'Seeing is believing' became obsolete once Photoshop made sure we could no longer believe our eyes.
Now we've got the equivalent for our ears: A "voice manipulation" app, VoCo made by the software firm Adobe.
"The software makes it possible to take an audio recording and rapidly alter it to include words and phrases the original speaker never uttered, in what sounds like their voice," according to BBC News.
"At a live demo in San Diego recently, Adobe took a digitised recording of a man saying "and I kissed my dogs and my wife" and changed it to say "and I kissed Jordan three times."
The edit was simple and took only seconds.
By using a text-based tool to create a synthesized voice track, it is now possible to put words in the mouth of another.
Horrified by the development, Dr. Eddy Borges Rey, a lecturer in media and technology at the University of Stirling said:
"It seems that Adobe's programmers were swept along with the excitement of creating something as innovative as a voice manipulator, and ignored the ethical dilemmas brought up by its potential misuse.
"Inadvertently, in its quest to create software to manipulate digital media, Adobe has (already) drastically changed the way we engage with evidential material such as photographs," Dr. Rey said, referring to Adobe's Photoshop.
"This makes it hard for lawyers, journalists, and other professionals who use digital media as evidence."
Not to mention the risks associated with no longer being able to believe anything you see or hear.
Having come through one of the most contentious election cycles in recent history, just imagine (if you will) the extra added attraction of a voice-mimicking app in the wrong hands. The 2020 Election should be interesting.
Welcome to the age of deception.
A wise man once said: "God's word is the same, yesterday and today and a million years from now." -- Franklin Graham
"Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you," declares the LORD. Then the LORD stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me: "Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down. To destroy and to overthrow, To build and to plant." Jeremiah 1:9-10
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