A recent Time-Health & Longevity article reports 5 lifestyle habits to minimize threats to our health.
"When it comes to staying healthy, most people have the same motivation: living as long and fulfilling a life as possible. And while science has yet to find a true fountain of youth, researchers have identified certain behaviors that can increase longevity."
- Eating a healthy diet (Mediterranean)
- Exercising regularly (at least 30 minutes a day)
- Maintaining a healthy body weight (BMI under 25)
- Drinking only in moderation (no more than 1 drink for women, 2 for men -per day)
- Not smoking (ever)
Want to live forever?
According to Got Questions.org, we will.
"The Greek word translated 'everlasting' means 'perpetual, eternal, forever.' Perhaps the word perpetual best explains the biblical concept of everlasting life; it is life that, once begun, continues perpetually into eternity.
"This speaks to the idea that man's life is not merely physical. Rather the true life of human beings is spiritual, and while the physical life ends, the spiritual continues throughout eternity."
In other words, life will never end. The Big Question is where we will spend it--with God and all that is good, or apart from Him?
"When God created humans, He intended that they would live joyously forever, both physically and spiritually, but they sinned and brought death to themselves and to all subsequent generations (Romans 5:12-14). However, our merciful God sent His Son as a perfect sacrifice to suffer, once for all time, the punishment due to everyone who has sinned."
So what must we do to live joyously forever?
Believe Him.
A wise man once said: "We receive everlasting life by dying to our own efforts and receiving Christ Jesus into our hearts as our Lord and Savior, and, when we do, we are instantly reborn and made alive in Christ. We may not feel any immediate change, but there has in fact been a rebirth in the heart (John 3:6-7), and we are now free of the fear of death; we have the promise of God that we will never die spiritually, but instead will live forever with our Lord Jesus (1 Corinthians 5:9-10). Later, when we die physically, our soul will immediately be with the Lord, and still later, when He returns, the Lord will resurrect our bodies to meet Him in the air. As for those Christians who are alive at His return, their bodies will be changed "in the twinkle of an eye," and they will not experience even physical death (1 Corinthians 15:5-52) -- Got Questions.org
"But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn--not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God" (John 1:12-13).How To Go To Heaven
- AFP: US threatens 'swift and decisive' response to any Iran attack: Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, in escalating statements
- DEBKAfile: Russia and China blame U.S. for Iran's withdrawal from nuclear pact
- Reuters: North Korea launches more missile; U.S. announces ship seizure in mounting tensions
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