Once again leaders from all over the globe will rear their ugly heads and pour into Davos, Switzerland next week for the annual World Economic Forum (WEF).
This year's theme? Globalization, of course.
And while Donald J. Trump will not be attending, you can be sure he will get the blame for everything under the sun.
For instance, John Drzik, president of the global risk management firm Marsh, told CNBC:
"The rise of nationalist agendas around the world is creating friction among states as well as weakening multilateral institutions."Translation? Trump's MAGA policies are jamming a monkey wrench into our One-World, Open-Borders plan.
"It's not just in the U.S.," Drzik complained. "Here in the U.K. you have Brexit, but in Brazil, Italy, Austria and Hungary there are lots of populist political figures who are getting elected and changing the agenda to be more protectionist and more nationalist and, as a result, weakening the multilateral bonds that were there and that's expected to continue into 2019."
In other words, the folks are electing uncooperative outsiders and the elitists don't like it.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) cited "trade tensions" when it downgraded its global growth forecast for 2019, as did The World Bank.
The underlying implications?
Trump can't be controlled. How dare he try to get a better deal for American companies.
The Bible tells us that the devil's end-time plan is a one-world government, one-world monetary system, and one-world religion--a New World Order (NWO). This is a plan that threatens every freedom we have.
It seems Donald J. Trump is God's counter-balance to slow down (but not stop) the devil's plan.
That makes Trump the NWO's worst nightmare.
A wise man once said: "Christianity and the Bible are a threat to this Global plan. So is anyone who thinks for themselves." -- Rodney Howard-Browne, founder of Revival Ministries International
"Then he said to me, "This fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on the earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it" (Daniel 7:23).click here to find out "How To Go To Heaven"
- Financial News: "Revolution" if Brexit fails warns high-profile fund manager
- The Hill: 'The Atlantic' calls for Trump impeachment in new cover story: "It's Time"
- Reuters: Mysterious naked holy men a huge draw at world's largest religious festival, India's Kumbh Mela or "festival of the pot"; 150 million expected
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