Saturday, March 22, 2025

"Unveiling the End: Analyzing Prophecy in a Chaotic World"

While the legacy media is busy spreading more misinformation (this time falsely claiming that Elon Musk will be briefed at the Pentagon regarding "war with China"), Israel and the Middle East is exploding once again--a legit news story that gets very little press. Why? Because the only thing that matters to the MSM lately is destroying Elon Musk.

The sad fact of the matter is you must take almost everything you hear these days with a grain of salt. President Trump calls it Fake News, the Bible calls it end-time deception and we are fully engulfed in it right now.

The word of God, on the other hand, has always been a source of  truth.

How do we know this? Bible prophecy.

This becomes clear once we understand that God uses Bible prophecy not so much to satisfy our curiosity about the future, as to authenticate His word. Logic tells us if God's prophecies are true, so is His plan of salvation.

And we know God's prophecies are true. 


80% of all Bible prophecy has already been fulfilled exactly as predicted. The remaining 20% deal exclusively with future events. If past prophecies proved true, we have no reason to doubt future prophecies will also prove true. With Israel, as always, at the epicenter--though not every prophecy is as explosive as say, Armageddon. Some are a little more subtle (though no less fascinating). 

For instance:

The seven holidays that make up the ancient festival cycle known as God's feasts days. The word used for "feasts" literally translates as "dress rehearsals" or "appointments". So what is being said is each feast day is literally an appointment  with God, or a dress rehearsal of  coming events. In other words, these 7 feast days are an amazing look into God's plan for humankind. Like an outline of history, each feast day is a pattern that shadows a major prophetic event.

Observant Jews celebrate the cycle as a reminder of God's provision, while Christians recognize the profound relationship between these Hebrew Holy Days and their prophetic fulfillment. Far more than mere Jewish tradition, these feast days offer a bird's-eye view into the very game-plan of God.

Christians believe Jesus' birth, death, resurrection & the sending of the Holy Spirit was the fulfillment of the first four feasts, while the remaining 3 will be fulfilled in the last days. In other words, God has already sent His Son to complete the first phase of a two-part plan.

There are only three feast days remaining to be fulfilled.

With Passover just around the corner,  we encourage you to explore the staggering prophetic significance of these holidays and hopefully gain an understanding of just how in-control God really is. As we shall see, each Holiday of God paints a perfect picture of the work of a Messiah who is the source of all creation and the hope of the nations.

The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: 'The feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts'" (LEVITICUS 23:1-2).  

A wise man once said: "The most exciting revelation I ever had concerning end-time understanding was when my eyes were opened to how the Feasts of the Lord were directly tied to the Book of Revelation and the unfolding of end-time events," --Mark Biltz, author


  • FNC: Vandalized Tesla reports spread nation-wide as anti-Musk attacks increase
  • CNN: Israel warns Hamas of repercussions unless hostages are freed amid renewed fighting after ceasefire collapsed
  • WorldNews: Tesla removed from Vancouver International Auto Show due to safty concerns

Saturday, March 8, 2025

"What Shapes You? Decoding Your Worldview"

Have you ever stopped to consider what your "worldview" is?

According to the American Culture and Faith Institute, "A worldview is simply the intellectual, and emotional filter through which we experience, interpret, and respond to the world."

In other words, it's how we perceive reality, meaning and our place in the world.

And guess what? It begins developing early (before 2-years old) and is almost fully formed by the time we hit our teens.

That worldview helps us to identify:
  • who we want to be
  • how we want to live
  • what we consider right and wrong
  • what is the ultimate source of truth
  • what's the point of being alive
It's also our moral compass. And if our behavior conflicts with our worldview--we feel uncomfortable, or bad about ourselves. This is true regardless of one's religious beliefs, but becomes much more nuanced for the Bible-believing Christian attempting to follow a biblical worldview.

A biblical worldview is defined as "seeing life through a biblical lens, using scriptural principals and perspectives as the basis for our decision making and behavior."

The goal? "To become an Integrated Disciple--someone who has blended their beliefs and behavior into a life that is reflective of the life of Jesus Christ."

As the old saying goes...7 days without reading the Bible makes one weak.

A wise man once said: "The primary Christian way to change your life is to change your identity through the grace of Jesus Christ. At the core of Christian doctrine is the idea that who you are will determine what you will do." -- Mark Ballenger,
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."      (2 CORINTHIANS 5:17)
👉👉👉How To Go To Heaven

  • The Times of Israel: US holding direct talks with Hamas over how to move hostage situation foreward
  • BBC News: 25 killed in Ukraine after Russia stepped up attacks 
  • FNC: Arab-backed Gaza plan garners European support, pushback from US, Israel 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

"Does The Bible Really Predict The Future? Why Not Ask Grok?"

According to Grok, (Elon's xAi chatbot with attitude) the question of whether the Bible predicts the future is a complex one. And believe it or not, Grok gives a surprisingly open-minded, detailed and fair summary of a variety of opinions. Good on him.

The truth? The Bible is a library of 66 books written by 40 authors over a period of 2500 years. "It's an integrated message system from outside our time domain", according to biblical scholars. 

Outside our time domain? Yes, because it gives an outline of human history from beginning to end. Which makes the Bible supernatural because it does indeed predict the future, considering that 80% of its prophecies have already been fulfilled with 100% accuracy. The 20% that remain deal almost exclusively with what's coming or the end times.

Furthermore, the Old Testament contains 16 books devoted entirely to prophecy, while all 39 OT books are "woven" with prophecy.

And can anyone doubt Bible prophecy plays a leading role in the New Testament? For instance: "Out of the 216 chapters in the New Testament, there are 318 references to the Second Coming of Christ," according to prophecy teacher Dr. David Jeremiah of Turning Point Ministries.

"If we were to omit all the prophetic passages, we would have to remove one out of every thirty verses in the New Testament," he said.

And that's not all. Dr. Jeremiah points out we would also have to skip 23 of the 27 New Testament books that mention prophecy. In fact, for every prediction about the birth of Christ, there are eight about His Second Coming.

And yet, many churches still neglect to teach on the subject. Why?

Dr. Jeremiah believes some avoid prophecy because it seems difficult to understand. Others feel too overwhelmed by the present to think about the future. And some (believe it or not) don't see its relevance.

"Jesus often spoke about the future and rebuked people who didn't recognize the significance of the events around them," contends Jeremiah and goes on to insist, "Jesus expects us to investigate what the Bible says about the future and seek His guidance as we attempt to understand the day and hour in which we live."

Given prophecy's prominence in Scripture, there can be little doubt Dr. David Jeremiah is absolutely right.

A wise man once said: "While many Christians are content to leave prophecy's pages shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding, it is the only reliable information about our tomorrows. God knows the end from the beginning and foretells the future with absolute accuracy. The Book of Revelation, along with other end-time prophecies, gives us a snapshot of the events that will precede the end of the world as we know it. The very word revelation means 'the unfolding of that which was previously hidden or unknown.'" -- Dr. David Jeremiah

"I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient time, what is still to come. I say "My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please"" (ISAIAH 46:10).



  • NASANEWS: NASA predicts chances of 'city-killing' asteroid currently has a 1 in 32 chance of hitting Earth in 7 years
  • Gateway Pundit: Elon Musk considers 'DOGE Dividend' payments to American taxpayers
  • Fox News: Harvard physicist says humanity will view alien intelligence like 'God'


Friday, February 7, 2025

"The Bible Predicts End Time Shock & Awe"

It seems President Trump is making "Shock & Awe" a daily habit. And the Middle East is not taking it laying down. 

Apparently, Jordan is ready to go to war against Israel to prevent Trump's plan to  empty Gaza and bring Palestinian immigration to its territory. Eygpt is none too happy about the plan either. Looks like nobody wants the Palestinians living anywhere near them--so time will tell how Trump's Gaza plan will work out in the end.

We do know this: The Bible predicts Israel will be the focus of world attention in the last days (Zechariah 12:3). And that there will be plenty of shock & awe to go around. But first Israel will live in peace for a while before all hell breaks out (Ez 38 &39). The word for "peace" means pseudo peace or false peace. In other words Israel will think they're at peace--but somebody (namely Iran, Russia and a host of others) will prove otherwise.

Meanwhile, students of Bible prophecy agree that the Jews back in the land of Israel (predicted in at least 10 different books of the Bible, and pinpointed to occur in the last days in Hosea 3:4-5) is the most significant fulfilled prophecy in modern times. And though Israel has been attacked repeatedly since their return, the Bible makes it clear they will never again be uprooted from the Land. (Amos 9:15), even though the final World War will be fought over Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:1-4).

The Bible also predicts that while Israel will suffer many persecutions, God will never forsake them entirely, and will in fact restore them as His own special people (1Peter 2:9) in the last days. Consider:

In 1967, Egypt started the 6-Day War and Israel shocked the world with its military superiority. Though grossly outnumbered, the Jews managed to conquer the Sinai, the city of Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Golan Heights.

Since that time, in a quest for peace, Israel has forged formal treaties with Egypt, Jordan, and was only days away from peace with Saudi Arabia, when Hamas surprised Israel with a horrific, unprovoked attack on Oct.7, killing over 1,200 innocent people and taking hundreds hostage, many of whom are still in captivity today.

And yet the world condems Israel as the aggressor and conveniently forgets Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Lebanon, leaving behind over 8,000 homes, businesses, vineyards and orchards to the Palestinians (which the Palestinians chose to destroy). Contrary to common belief, there is no longer an Israeli occupation.

In 2006, the Palestinian people voted Hamas into power. Hamas, a known terrorist group, won the Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, control freely given to them by the Palestinian people. 

For decades Hamas has pursued a consistently violent strategy aimed at bringing death and destruction to Israel. But its stunning attack on October 7 marks its deadliest incursion yet.
This put Israel in a very precarious position: Of course they had to defend themselves. And of course the world condems them for doing so. 

The Hamas massacre of Israelis was a function of pure hate. But why? What is the real reason for yet another war? The Bible makes it clear that the underlying issue is spiritual, not political. Israel is God's chosen witness to the world. The Messiah was born in Israel and will return to Israel. Satan hates the Jews and will use whatever satanic powers he can to destroy them.

And unfortunatly, the world will cooperate with Satan. The Bible predicts the entire world will eventually turn against Israel, driven by hatred of God.

Even now the lines are being drawn: we are either for God or against Him. Our advise? Choose God.
"Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel:

"I will bring them back to this land...Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the LORD; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart" (JEREMIAH 24:7)
"I will bless those who bless you,  And I will curse him who curses you" (GENESIS 12:3).
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee" (PSALM 122:6).
A wiseman once said: "Before shedding tears for the people of Gaza, remember that they created Hamas, elected it, supported it, supplied it, filled its ranks and celebrated all of its atrocities!."-- Amir Tsarfati, Behold Israel


  • Behold Israel:120 years ago, the ancestors of today's Gazans were Turks, Egyptions, & Syrians
  • World News: Following Trump, the Argentine government announced it will leave the World Health Organization
  • Express: Iran Threatens 'Nuclear Showdown' Over Israel War

Thursday, January 23, 2025

"Trump: A Young Man Trapped In An Old Man's Body?"

Now that Donald Trump is the all-time oldest man ever sworn in as President, he's giving the rest of us whiplash trying to keep up with him. The truth is, he's accomplished more in a few days than some politicians did in their entire careers.

At 78 Trump's energy level is noteworthy only because it's so rare. Most of us slow down as we age--and some of us (without mentioning any names) slow way, way down.

And while it's easy to judge the elderly, it may not be so easy to walk a mile in their shoes.

Imagine, if you will, being able to know first hand what it feels like to be 20, 30 or even 40 years older than you are right now. Well, thanks to new technology--you can.

Genworth Financial, Inc. has developed an "age suit" that simulates old age.

The Genworth R70i Aging Experience uses state-of-the-art technology that allows people to experience the physical effects of aging, such as:
  • vision and hearing impairments
  • muscle loss
  • mobility limitations
  • speech and mental confusion
Talk about walking a mile in some one's shoes! Donning the R70i Age Suit = instant empathy.

Geoffrey Fowler of The Wall Street Journal wore the suit and said, "The unforgettable, and at times distressing experience shed light not just on aging, but also on how virtual reality equipment can teach empathy and shape our perceptions of the world around us.

Amazing, isn't it?

But even more amazing is the fact that 2,000 years ago, God put on a "man suit".

"Jesus, who is wholly God, also became wholly human," says Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship.

"It is extremely important to note that Jesus did not cease to be God when He came to earth," says Laurie. "He simply laid aside His divine privileges and walked the earth as a man.

"In doing so, He was personally able to experience the gamut of human emotions, ranging from happiness to deep sorrow. He felt what it was like to be tired, cold, and hungry.

"Moreover, He came to this earth with a clear objective in mind: to bridge the gap between a holy, perfect God, and unholy, imperfect man.

"The truth is, we all suffer from a terminal condition called sin, or falling short of God's perfection. Sin is not just an act but the actual nature of our being. In other words," contends Laurie, "we are not sinners because we sin. Rather, we sin because we are sinners!

"When the Israelites of the Old Testament sinned, they would have the high priest go into the Temple and offer an animal sacrifice to God to atone for their sins. In a symbolic sense, this was a way of putting one's sins on the animal, which stood in the place of the guilty person. The Bible teaches without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22).

"These sacrificial rituals were only a foreshadow, or symbol of what Jesus would do when He came to this earth. He took the sin of the world upon Himself, once and for all time when He suffered and died on the cross."

In other words, God put on our sin-defiled "man suit", walked a mile in our shoes, and died in our place. 

A wise man once said: "To have your sins forgiven, you must admit you are a sinner, turn from your sins, believe that Jesus Christ died in your place and rose again from the dead" --Greg Laurie, pastor.
"The free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord" (ROMANS 6:23).
👉👉👉Find out "How To Go Heaven" ☝

  • WorldHealth: 1 in 10 people worldwide are 65 or older; by 2050 1 in 6 will be 65 or older
  • WebMD: By age 75, most will have lost between 1 to 3 inches in height 
  • HelpGuide:  Staying active, adapting to change, key to healthy aging 

Friday, January 10, 2025

"Drone Swarm Technology: aka 'Biblical Locusts'?"

While much of the world anticipates what changes a second Trump term will bring, the U.S. military has been experimenting with new strategies that will drastically advance the way wars are fought.

One of the most promising? Drone "swarm" technology, recently tested by the Office of Naval Research (ONR).

The new tool, dubbed LOCUST by the U.S. Navy, allows multiple drones to coordinate and swarm the enemy autonomously, and is designed to protect naval vessels against enemy attacks.

LOCUST--or Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Swarming Technology-is a program that marks a new era in autonomous warfare.

Imagine the tactical advantage of using a system that can launch swarming UAVs to overwhelm the enemy without any risk to the sailors or marines operating them.

"This level of autonomous swarming flight has never been done before," said Lee Mastroianni, program manager.

"UAVs that are expendable and reconfigurable will free manned aircraft and traditional weapons systems to do more, and essentially multiply combat power at decreased risk to the war fighter," he added.

Apparently, there's no down-side to the LOCUST and for an extra added attraction-
they may even be mentioned in the Bible.

Revelation 9: 3-11 describes a strange locust swarm that has "breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots with many horses running into battle..." Coincidence?

Maybe--or maybe 2,000 years ago the Apostle John, who was told simply to write down what he saw, couldn't quite figure out what he was seeing.

The LOCUST drones, with their swarm technology, look eerily insect-like. Isn't it possible John didn't have the vocabulary to describe 21st-century technology?

A wise man once said: "John had to describe in terms of his 1st-century knowledge what he saw. The prophecies can be understood only when we prayerfully seek to decipher what in today's vast arsenal of technical marvels fits best John's 1st-century description of them."  Hal Lindsey, Apocalypse Code
"This is a revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave Him concerning the events that will happen soon...John faithfully reported the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ--everything he saw" (REVELATION 1:1-2).


  • Reuters: Meta secretly used pirated books to train Ai, according to newly unredacted court papers.
  • Tech Trends: Machine Learning (ML), refers to Ai technologies that enable machines to learn from data and make decisions autonmously
  • Accenture: Leaders must prepare for a world where Ai is everywhere and acting autonomously; the only limit is trust.

Friday, December 27, 2024

"Ai, The Future & The Bible"

Is the world ready for walking, talking, 3-D holograms that can be seen, heard, and even felt without having to rely on any virtual reality systems?

Ready or not--here they come!

According to a team of scientists at the University of Sussex in southern England, the future of hologram technology has come a long way, baby.

Published in the journal Naturethe Sussex team contends technology currently in use can: "Create 3-D but they are slow, short-lived and most importantly, rely on operating principles that cannot produce tactile and auditive content as well."

The team created a prototype called Multimodal Acoustic Trap Display (MATD) which can "simultaneously deliver visual, auditory, and tactile content," they said.

This uses what is known as "acoustophoresis" or sound waves that allows the hologram to be heard and even felt--a crucial element of realism.

"Even if not audible to us, ultrasound is still a mechanical wave and it carries energy through the air," explained Ryuji Hirayama, one of the scientists. "Our system directs and focuses this energy, which can then stimulate your skin to feel content."

Meanwhile, a woman with Azure Technologies and Microsoft Network recently demonstrated her personalized hologram capable of being everywhere at once while speaking any language she chose.

(Click here to watch the video).

The Bible predicts the Antichrist will create a 'living' image of himself that can speak, demanding that people all over the globe worship it or die. He'll also have complete economic control over everything bought and sold, and the ability to exclude (and thus control) some to their death (see Revelation 13:15-16).

Imagine if you will, this hologram technology combined with the advances in, say, facial recognition, AI, and implantable devices with spy ware--all in the hands of an anti-Christian dictatorial government energized by Satan.

Sounds like science fiction? Then ask yourself how it must have sounded 2,000 years ago when John the Apostle wrote about it.

A wise man once said: "There would be no earthly advantage in being alive when the Antichrist rules. We believe Christians will not be around to watch the debacle brought about by the cruelest dictator of all time." -- the late Hal Lindsey, author
"And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light" (ROMANS 12:11-12).
"Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand"  (REVELATION 22:10).

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