Friday, January 10, 2025

"Drone Swarm Technology: aka 'Biblical Locusts'?"

While much of the world anticipates what changes a second Trump term will bring, the U.S. military has been experimenting with new strategies that will drastically advance the way wars are fought.

One of the most promising? Drone "swarm" technology, recently tested by the Office of Naval Research (ONR).

The new tool, dubbed LOCUST by the U.S. Navy, allows multiple drones to coordinate and swarm the enemy autonomously, and is designed to protect naval vessels against enemy attacks.

LOCUST--or Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Swarming Technology-is a program that marks a new era in autonomous warfare.

Imagine the tactical advantage of using a system that can launch swarming UAVs to overwhelm the enemy without any risk to the sailors or marines operating them.

"This level of autonomous swarming flight has never been done before," said Lee Mastroianni, program manager.

"UAVs that are expendable and reconfigurable will free manned aircraft and traditional weapons systems to do more, and essentially multiply combat power at decreased risk to the war fighter," he added.

Apparently, there's no down-side to the LOCUST and for an extra added attraction-
they may even be mentioned in the Bible.

Revelation 9: 3-11 describes a strange locust swarm that has "breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots with many horses running into battle..." Coincidence?

Maybe--or maybe 2,000 years ago the Apostle John, who was told simply to write down what he saw, couldn't quite figure out what he was seeing.

The LOCUST drones, with their swarm technology, look eerily insect-like. Isn't it possible John didn't have the vocabulary to describe 21st-century technology?

A wise man once said: "John had to describe in terms of his 1st-century knowledge what he saw. The prophecies can be understood only when we prayerfully seek to decipher what in today's vast arsenal of technical marvels fits best John's 1st-century description of them."  Hal Lindsey, Apocalypse Code
"This is a revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave Him concerning the events that will happen soon...John faithfully reported the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ--everything he saw" (REVELATION 1:1-2).


  • Reuters: Meta secretly used pirated books to train Ai, according to newly unredacted court papers.
  • Tech Trends: Machine Learning (ML), refers to Ai technologies that enable machines to learn from data and make decisions autonmously
  • Accenture: Leaders must prepare for a world where Ai is everywhere and acting autonomously; the only limit is trust.

Friday, December 27, 2024

"Ai, The Future & The Bible"

Is the world ready for walking, talking, 3-D holograms that can be seen, heard, and even felt without having to rely on any virtual reality systems?

Ready or not--here they come!

According to a team of scientists at the University of Sussex in southern England, the future of hologram technology has come a long way, baby.

Published in the journal Naturethe Sussex team contends technology currently in use can: "Create 3-D but they are slow, short-lived and most importantly, rely on operating principles that cannot produce tactile and auditive content as well."

The team created a prototype called Multimodal Acoustic Trap Display (MATD) which can "simultaneously deliver visual, auditory, and tactile content," they said.

This uses what is known as "acoustophoresis" or sound waves that allows the hologram to be heard and even felt--a crucial element of realism.

"Even if not audible to us, ultrasound is still a mechanical wave and it carries energy through the air," explained Ryuji Hirayama, one of the scientists. "Our system directs and focuses this energy, which can then stimulate your skin to feel content."

Meanwhile, a woman with Azure Technologies and Microsoft Network recently demonstrated her personalized hologram capable of being everywhere at once while speaking any language she chose.

(Click here to watch the video).

The Bible predicts the Antichrist will create a 'living' image of himself that can speak, demanding that people all over the globe worship it or die. He'll also have complete economic control over everything bought and sold, and the ability to exclude (and thus control) some to their death (see Revelation 13:15-16).

Imagine if you will, this hologram technology combined with the advances in, say, facial recognition, AI, and implantable devices with spy ware--all in the hands of an anti-Christian dictatorial government energized by Satan.

Sounds like science fiction? Then ask yourself how it must have sounded 2,000 years ago when John the Apostle wrote about it.

A wise man once said: "There would be no earthly advantage in being alive when the Antichrist rules. We believe Christians will not be around to watch the debacle brought about by the cruelest dictator of all time." -- the late Hal Lindsey, author
"And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light" (ROMANS 12:11-12).
"Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand"  (REVELATION 22:10).

  • CNN: Taiwan runs simulation of Chinese military attack
  • Fox News: Iran under 'immense pressure'; Trump, regional losses and economic woes cited
  • CBS News: Scientists claim human-caused climate change meant 41 extra days of dangerous heat in 2024

Thursday, December 5, 2024

"Will Trump Hasten Or Delay The New World Order?"

While the news cycle spins endlessly on (all doom & gloom all the time, all enhanced, according to the Left by Trumps "erratic foreign policy" destined to ignite a world already on fire...blah blah crisis after another with each one seemingly worse than the last...) many of us are tempted to simply tune it all out. But should we?

Current events, claim Bible scholars, are following a pattern clearly marked out in advance throughout Scripture and will eventually culminate in an entirely new world order. Meanwhile, every one of us is being led somewhere. 

The Big Question: Where?

While it's true that "The Book of Revelation delves into grave details using remarkable symbols of judgment," cautions S. Douglas Woodward of Faith-Happens,  "If we dwell on these images of doom, no doubt we too would become gloomy. Nevertheless, the Bible consistently offers a starkly contrasted message: the greatest day for those who believe in Christ, comes on the worst day for those that don't." The choice is ours to make.

In other words, the doom & gloom has a purpose. For the unbeliever, these "birth-pains" are a warning: seek God while He may be found; receive the redemption His Son suffered and died to purchase for you before it's too late.

For the believer and student of Bible prophecy, these same birth-pains are an amazing, faith-building, fear-of-God producing, awe-inspiring wonder to watch as events unfold exactly as God said they would in His word.

Remember, the purpose of Bible prophecy is not to predict the future, but to authenticate the message.

And what is the main message of the Bible?

Hope! God is the creator of everything and He's "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2Peter 3:9). Repentance means you turn from your own way and follow God's way instead. He has a plan and a purpose to redeem not only those of us who believe that Jesus Christ died in our place and rose again as our Savior, but His entire creation as well. 
"Now we live with a wonderful expectation because Jesus Christ rose again from the dead. For God has reserved a priceless inheritance for His children...It will be revealed on the last day for all to see. So be truly glad! There is wonderful joy ahead..." (1PETER 1:3-6)
Eventually, there will be a new heaven and a new earth, constituting a new world order where everything (including us) must be born again. But first, like any birth--there are birth pains. Happy are those blessed to skip the hard labor.

A wise man once said: "Night is coming...a darkness that will cover this globe in suffering and sorrow such as we have never known. But we must not sit and wring our hands about the state of the world. God has provided a way to escape the coming night. Now is the time to tell everyone about the hope of a brand new world waiting for us." -- David Jeremiah, author
"So I pray that God who gives you hope, will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in Him. May you overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." (ROMANS 15:13)

  • The Washington Free Beacon: The reignited Syrian war poses fresh challenges for Trump as he grapples with a Middle East already inflamed by a year of war
  • CNN: North Korea, Russia & China watch as crisis unfold in key US ally South Korea
  • Reuters: French government falls in deepening political crisis; Macron to address the nation  

Thursday, November 21, 2024

"Three Reasons Not To Sweat Trump's Picks"

While much of the world is having conniption fits over Trump's Cabinet picks, some of us have bigger fish to fry. For instance:

Ever wonder what life would be like if Christ had not come?

No Christ = No Christianity
No big deal some might say.

Aside from the fact that there would be (1) no salvation, (2) no heaven,  (3) no life after death, how has the worldwide spread of Christianity affected secular history?

"Although Greece gave western civilization much art, philosophy and literature, and Rome provided law and government," contends Barry J. Beitzel, Ph.D., contributing editor of The Nelson Study Bible," it was the Christian worldview that provided":
  • the basis for modern science
  • efforts to alleviate poverty
  • universal education
  • the ideals of equality and liberty
"The God of order and beauty provided for the view that nature was predictable and orderly. The Christian belief that all humanity is a creation of God gave a foundation to the self-evident truth of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," Beitzel insists.

"Since people are made in the image of God they are valuable apart from their station in life, amount of wealth, or utility to society. People are helped, educated and protected simply because they are made in God's image. Loss of these Christian ideals would undoubtedly be a tragic loss to the well-being of humanity," Beitzel concludes.

And he's right. Strip the world of Christianity and the world will strip humanity of its worth.
"At that time you were without Christ. Having no hope, and without God in the world" (EPHESIANS 2:12).
"I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (JOHN 10:10).

Our advice? Give politics a rest during this holiday season and go back to being Fishers Of Men. 

A wise man once said: "Abundant life includes salvation, eternal life, God's life. It speaks not only of endlessness, but of quality of life. With Christ, life on earth can reach much higher quality, and then in heaven it will be complete and perfect." - Barry J. Beitzel, Ph.D.



  • The Washington Times: 63% of American adults want to know more about Jesus; 58% believe the Bible has "transformed" their life.
  • The Guardian: NATO playing with fire by reckless escalation of Ukraine war
  • Cape Cod Times: Musk, Ramaswamy float 'large-scale firings'



Wednesday, November 6, 2024

"Trump 2.0...Make America Whole Again"

Now that the shock and awe has worn off, President-elect Donald J. Trump has a big-league job on his hands: spend the next 4 years making America great again.

Our job? Heal the Great Divide.

Let's face it, gang, this election cycle has been brutal. It has turned Americans against each other to a degree not seen in recent history. People are at each others throats--from the anger-filled Left, to the Trump Train gloaters--things have gotten down right ugly.

 A recent Reuters/IPSOS survey indicating the election has caused:
  • 15% to stop speaking to a family member or close friend
  • 14% to block a family member or close friend from social media
We call this the "Trump Effect"--you're either with him (meaning the conservative platform) or against him.

CBN News spoke with Anne Graham Lotz (Billy Graham's daughter) about what Christians can do to help heal the divide.

"I think the most critical thing that God's people can do is pray. Two is to repent of our sin and three is to keep our focus on God," she said. "God is the One who will bring healing. It's not a political party or one particular person. Our faith has to be in God."

Lotz went on to say, "Prayer made the difference in the election, particularly among white, born-again evangelicals, who voted 81% for Trump, not to mention the countless churches across the nation that committed to praying for the election."

"I see what happened in this election as being a tremendous movement of God in answer to prayer."

Her challenge to God's people? Don't stop praying, God's not finished with us yet.


A wise woman once said: "When God's people will pray with a humble heart, repenting of our sins, then God promises He will hear our prayers, He will forgive our sin and the third element is that He will heal our land." --Anne Graham Lotz
"Jesus said, 'Whoever is not with Me is against Me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.'" -- (MATTHEW 12:30)
  • Daily Mail: Britain urged to hike defence spending in case Trump leaves NATO
  • Breitbart: 'How to move to Canada' Google searches surge in Blue States after Trump victory
  • The Daily Caller: Former AG Bill Barr urged Biden DOJ to drop Trump indictments in 'best interest' of American people


Thursday, October 17, 2024

"Demonic Possession Spikes ...Along With Immigration: Why?"

Don't believe in demonic possession? Dr. Richard Gallagher does. A board-certified psychiatrist and professor of psychiatry at the New York Medical College, Dr. Gallagher has a creepy side job:

Scientific adviser on the governing board for the International Association of Exorcists.

In other words, he's an Exorcists consultant--the guy they call to ascertain whether they're dealing with genuine demonic possession or just a case of ordinary mental illness.

Demand for Dr. Gallagher's unique expertise has spiked in recent years as western countries experience a surge in demonic activity, due in part to the increase in immigration from regions rife with occult practices.

A skeptic at first, his "consulting" work over the past 25 years has convinced Gallagher that, although rare, demon-possession is all too real.

In an extraordinary case of a woman known by the pseudonym "Julia", documented in the March 2008 issue of The New Oxford Review, The Daily Caller reports on Gallagher's findings:

"Julia was the self-professed queen of a Satanic cult and believed that she had been demonically-possessed. She reached out to a priest who referred her to Gallagher for a psychiatric examination. Not long into his examination, Gallagher said Julia relieved him of any doubt about her claim.

"Objects flew off walls and shelves when she was in the room. She repeatedly displayed knowledge of Gallagher's personal life that she could not have known, spoke in ancient languages, and entered a trance state during which a demonic voice spoke through her. That voice allegedly interrupted a phone conversation between Gallagher and the priest Julia contacted when she was not present with either of them. Both men heard the voice.

"Julia also exhibited enormous strength...and remarkably, for about 30 minutes, she actually levitated about half a foot in the air," Gallagher wrote.

Yikes. Looks like Satan really is alive and well on planet Earth. Be sure to watch this "unfiltered video" featuring Dr. Richard Gallagher in action.

A wise man once said: "Some people develop an unhealthy fascination with the occult and demonic activity. This is unwise and unbiblical. If we pursue God, if we are clothing ourselves with His armor and relying on His strength, we have nothing to fear from  the evil ones, for God rules over all!"
"And in the synagogue there was a man who had the spirit of an unclean demon, and he cried out with a loud voice, 'Ha! What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have You come to destroy us? I know who You are--the Holy One of God.' But Jesus rebuked him saying, 'Be silent and come out of him!' And when the demon had thrown him down in their midst, he came out of him, having done him no harm" -- (LUKE 4:33-35).

  • WND: Satanic Temple opens 'religious' abortion clinic as part of 'destruction ritual'
  • Blaze News: Victoria's Secret fashion shows returns after 6 years and makes 'history' with 2 transgender models
  • NTEB News: Pentagon official (Ret.) confirms that UFO 'mother ships' released swarms of smaller craft over Langley AFB

Thursday, October 3, 2024

"Iranian Nuclear Sites: Ground Zero?"

Israel's war cabinet is weighing its response to this week's missile attack from Iran, with Israel's UN ambassador telling CNN that retaliation "will be soon."

His comments came as U.S. President Joe Biden said he does not support a potential Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear sites but left the door open for Israel to hit Iran's oil reserves. 

Well that's something, at least. Though it's doubtful Iran would be able to "wipe Israel off the map" using their oil reserves--just sayin'.

Meantime, it has been one year since the surprise massacre in Israel when Hamas terrorists waged the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust. And while none of us wants to remember the atrocities committed that day, the Jews can't afford to forget. 

Israeli retribution in Gaza & Lebanon came fast and furious, and in our opinion, is justified. After all, Israel has the right to defend and protect its people. On the other hand, Iran's missile barrage against Israel was not justified at all. We agree with Benjamin Netanyahu: Iran made a major mistake. 

Meanwhile, many are jumping to the conclusion that the infamous war of Gog & Magog must already have started.

Why? Because the war detailed in Ezekiel 38 will be a multi-pronged, surprise attack that will catch Israel completly off guard. 

Last October's attack had many of the same elements the Ezekiel war will have, so the comparison is understandable. 

It's possible, some say, that Ezekiel's war has begun slowly, but will eventually escalate from here and become many magnitudes worse if Iran (aka Persia) Russia & Turkey, etc. jump into the fray.

Some believe if Israel retaliates against Iran by targeting their refining and oil production facilities or pre-emptively destroys Iran's nuclear weapons program, Russia will reluctantly agree to honor it's military alliance with Iran and be persuaded into launching a large-scale attack on Israel.

The truth? It's not a matter of  if  this war is coming, it's only a matter of  when.

There are a variety of opinions on when Ezekiel's conflict will happen. Some place it just before the 7-year tribulation; others believe it will occur at the midpoint after the first 3-1/2 years. Still others maintain it's a part of the Armageddon scenario.

And some believe there will be a war with Israel's immediate neighbors first as Psalm 83 seems to suggest.

While the precise timing of Ezekiel's prophecy is unknown, he did leave us a number of clues. For instance:
  • It will happen in the 'latter years' (or end times), after the final restoration of the Jews to the Land (fulfilled in 1948), but before their spiritual rebirth (predicted in Ez.37).
  • The attack will come from a coalition of nations including an instigator from 'the far North' of Israel. (Though Russia is not mentioned by name, it lies directly north of Israel)
  • Persia (present day Iran), Ethiopia and Libya are all specifically included in the list of coalition troops.
The prophecy is quite long, covering two complete chapters and almost certainly predicts this war will be nuclear. Ez. 39:11-16 details the clean-up and burial procedures that follow the battle and they sound as if they come straight from a nuclear protocol manual.

So how close are these events? We don't know, but reports out of Israel indicate that both Iranian and Russian technology was used in last October's attack.
It's possible that the current conflict is completley unrelated to the prophecy detailed in Ezekiel... but we doubt it. The war of Gog and Magog may not be right around the corner...but it definitely could be.

A wiseman once said: "The Bible predicted, thousands of years ago, that the end time events would revolve around Jerusalem. Not San Francisco. Not Los Angeles. Not Moscow. Not Paris. But Jerusalem, this tiny little city, in this tiny sliver of land, will play a key role in the events of the last days. It's amazing when you think about it, because in Zechariah 12:3-4 God says, "I will make Jerusalem like an intoxicating drink that makes the nearby nations stagger when they send their armies to besiege Jerusalem and Judah. On that day I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock. All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves" (NLT)."--Greg Laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (PSALM 122:6).



  • AP: Israel presses foreward on two fronts as fears of wider war mount
  • The Telegraph: Iran only months from the bomb-stopping it may not be easy
  • Yahoo! News: The question is not whether Israel will retaliate-but how