Thursday, October 3, 2024

"Iranian Nuclear Sites: Ground Zero?"

Israel's war cabinet is weighing its response to this week's missile attack from Iran, with Israel's UN ambassador telling CNN that retaliation "will be soon."

His comments came as U.S. President Joe Biden said he does not support a potential Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear sites but left the door open for Israel to hit Iran's oil reserves. 

Well that's something, at least. Though it's doubtful Iran would be able to "wipe Israel off the map" using their oil reserves--just sayin'.

Meantime, it has been one year since the surprise massacre in Israel when Hamas terrorists waged the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust. And while none of us wants to remember the atrocities committed that day, the Jews can't afford to forget. 

Israeli retribution in Gaza & Lebanon came fast and furious, and in our opinion, is justified. After all, Israel has the right to defend and protect its people. On the other hand, Iran's missile barrage against Israel was not justified at all. We agree with Benjamin Netanyahu: Iran made a major mistake. 

Meanwhile, many are jumping to the conclusion that the infamous war of Gog & Magog must already have started.

Why? Because the war detailed in Ezekiel 38 will be a multi-pronged, surprise attack that will catch Israel completly off guard. 

Last October's attack had many of the same elements the Ezekiel war will have, so the comparison is understandable. 

It's possible, some say, that Ezekiel's war has begun slowly, but will eventually escalate from here and become many magnitudes worse if Iran (aka Persia) Russia & Turkey, etc. jump into the fray.

Some believe if Israel retaliates against Iran by targeting their refining and oil production facilities or pre-emptively destroys Iran's nuclear weapons program, Russia will reluctantly agree to honor it's military alliance with Iran and be persuaded into launching a large-scale attack on Israel.

The truth? It's not a matter of  if  this war is coming, it's only a matter of  when.

There are a variety of opinions on when Ezekiel's conflict will happen. Some place it just before the 7-year tribulation; others believe it will occur at the midpoint after the first 3-1/2 years. Still others maintain it's a part of the Armageddon scenario.

And some believe there will be a war with Israel's immediate neighbors first as Psalm 83 seems to suggest.

While the precise timing of Ezekiel's prophecy is unknown, he did leave us a number of clues. For instance:
  • It will happen in the 'latter years' (or end times), after the final restoration of the Jews to the Land (fulfilled in 1948), but before their spiritual rebirth (predicted in Ez.37).
  • The attack will come from a coalition of nations including an instigator from 'the far North' of Israel. (Though Russia is not mentioned by name, it lies directly north of Israel)
  • Persia (present day Iran), Ethiopia and Libya are all specifically included in the list of coalition troops.
The prophecy is quite long, covering two complete chapters and almost certainly predicts this war will be nuclear. Ez. 39:11-16 details the clean-up and burial procedures that follow the battle and they sound as if they come straight from a nuclear protocol manual.

So how close are these events? We don't know, but reports out of Israel indicate that both Iranian and Russian technology was used in last October's attack.
It's possible that the current conflict is completley unrelated to the prophecy detailed in Ezekiel... but we doubt it. The war of Gog and Magog may not be right around the corner...but it definitely could be.

A wiseman once said: "The Bible predicted, thousands of years ago, that the end time events would revolve around Jerusalem. Not San Francisco. Not Los Angeles. Not Moscow. Not Paris. But Jerusalem, this tiny little city, in this tiny sliver of land, will play a key role in the events of the last days. It's amazing when you think about it, because in Zechariah 12:3-4 God says, "I will make Jerusalem like an intoxicating drink that makes the nearby nations stagger when they send their armies to besiege Jerusalem and Judah. On that day I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock. All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves" (NLT)."--Greg Laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (PSALM 122:6).



  • AP: Israel presses foreward on two fronts as fears of wider war mount
  • The Telegraph: Iran only months from the bomb-stopping it may not be easy
  • Yahoo! News: The question is not whether Israel will retaliate-but how

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hezbollah, Hamas & Israel: Is It Time To Fasten Your Seat Belt?

According to "Doomsday Doug", with all the news out of Israel, the hottest topic in eschatology today is just how close are we? 

While intriguing, speculation in regards to Christ's soon return for His Church is just that: speculation. Why? Because "no man knows the day or the hour" (Matthew 24:36).

Jesus could come for us at any moment and warned us to be ready. But let's face it, gang, we could also die at any moment. Jesus' advice is the same either way-- be ready to give an account of your life.

In his classic best seller, Erwin W. Lutzer cuts right to the chase and asks:

"Where will you minute after you die?"

Will you be delighted beyond your wildest dreams or forever separated from all that is good?

"Many people spend more time planning for a vacation than preparing for eternity," say Lutzer. "So while relatives and friends plan your funeral, you will be more alive than you have ever been."

The Big Question: Where, exactly will you be?

That, my friend, depends on choices you make now. There are only two alternatives. "Either way, your future will be irrevocably fixed and eternally unchangeable," Lutzer explains. "One minute after you die, you will either be elated or terrified--and it will be too late to re-route your travel plans."

Wow...with stakes that high you'd think God would have given us detailed instructions on how to choose correctly. You'd think He would have sent a few messengers to make sure we understood exactly what we need to do to ensure we don't miss the boat on this one.

The good news? He did. It's that Bible some of us "messengers" are constantly trying to shove down your throat because we care what happens to you. We want you to see the evidence for yourself. For instance, did you know that: 

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is woven with predictions? In fact, more that 1/4 of the Bible is prophecy. Most of them (roughly 80%) have already been fulfilled with 100 % accuracy.

These prophecies are very specific, provable events. And most of them revolve around--you guessed it--the nation of Israel. 

God chose prophecy as the vehicle to authenticate the Bible. How better to prove One's existence and power over world events than to tell history in advance? Fulfilled prophecy conveys the unique signature of God, and is a powerful proof to an unbelieving world.

So do you want to know where you will be one minute after you die? click here 

A wise man once said:
"We must accept God as He is revealed in the Bible, whether He suits our preferences or not." -- Erwin W. Lutzer, author of One Minute After You Die
"I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible greatness of His power for us who believe Him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Him in the place of honor at God's right hand in the heavenly realms" (EPHESIANS 1:19,20).
  • FNC: Trump at higher risk of assassination than other former presidents thanks to 'public enemy' rhetoric: expert
  • The Washington Post: Israeli attack on Hezbollah devices has U.S. scrambling to head off wider conflict 
  • DailyMail: Explosions that rocked Lebanon for SECOND day deserves "crushing response" vows Hezbollah leader 


Friday, September 6, 2024

"Run Up To Armageddon"

On the morning of October 7th, while Hamas terrorists were perpetrating a massacre along Israel's Gaza border, the world experienced a paradigm shift without even knowing it.

While the geopolitical dynamics don't appear to be fundamentally altered, a growing multitude of individuals around the globe have hardened into a Jew-hating mob.

Blatant antisemitism is now acceptable on college campuses. Calls for the death of Jews and the destruction of Israel is given a platform across America and around the world. Demonstrators, chanting their support for terrorist organizations, burning American flags and pleading for Hamas to attack again, is tolerated and even encouraged by some.

Our point? It's time to get serious.

The Bible predicts Israel will suffer global isolation and rabid antisemitism during the run up to Armageddon, when all the armies of the world come against her. And while we know from Scripture this is still at least 7 years away, our redemption is not. 

Once one realizes that all of God's promises are interwoven with the nation of Israel, the puzzle pieces of Bible prophecy begin to fit together.

For instance:  The current, global antisemitism.

Hitler wasn't the only one driven by a passionate desire to rid the world of Jews. There have been an amazing number of crazed lunatics throughout history all with one rabid intention: Destroy the Jew. Why? It's completely irrational...unless one considers the spiritual dimension: Destroy Israel and you destroy God's credibility. 

Bible prophecy is a two-edged sword. On the plus side, God reveals His plan in advance, giving us reliable proof of His existence and authenticating the Bible as the infallible word of God. On the downside, the adversary, Satan, is also privy to the plan.

This creates a dilemma that God solves by using a bit of obscurity. While He can't be so veiled that we don't get the message, it prevents Him from giving us all the detail we might want. Ever wonder why God doesn't just spell it all out for us? He's got good reason; there's a certain demonic element intent on sabotaging God's plan.

From the time of Moses to the time of Christ, Satan tried over and over again to kill all male Hebrew children. Why? Because he knew the Messiah would be a Jew. If he could get rid of the Hebrew babies, the Messiah would never be born. When that failed, he thought he'd nailed it (no pun intended) at the cross. But no, foiled again! The crucified Savior was resurrected. Satan had played right into God's hand--not realizing that the only begotten Son had to die--it was God's plan all along: The Savior would die so we could live.

Even now, the Devil and his minions are working overtime to crush the Jew. Is it a coincidence that Israel is surrounded by enemies?

The Bible predicts the Messiah will return to Jerusalem when the Jews are back in their homeland and besieged on every side. If there are no Jews, there is no Messiah. If there is no Israel, then Satan wins and there is no God. That's how interwoven the nation of Israel is with God's promises.

So how do we know this current bout of antisemitism will end in Armegeddon? Because May14,1948, when Israel was born again, marked the beginning of the last generation, the Fig Tree generation. 

Time is running out.

A wise man once said: "Jewish survival is a phenomena. Jewish history, with all of its tragedies and triumphs, has been accurately foretold; it's future has also been foretold--we're living it now. To come against Israel, is to come against God." -- Hal Lindsey, author
"It shall be in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem" --Zechariah 12:9.


  •  Israel Radar: Pentagon says threat of Iranian attack on Israel persists; U.S. forces on alert in Middle East.
  • NBC: Meta ruling to allow antisemitic phrase "from the river to the sea" on its platform ignites firestorm; slogan created with explicit goal of destruction for Jews.
  • The Jerusalem Post: Tucker Carlson blasted for hosting 'historian' promoting Nazi falsehoods about the Holocaust; claims Nazis were simply "in over their heads"


Thursday, August 22, 2024

"The Book Of Revelation: High Tech Magic?"

Need a little breather from politics? Consider this: While most of civilization was advancing one small step at a time, the Book of Revelation took a giant leap into the future.

Any sufficiently-advanced technology can seem indistinguishable from magic, especially waaaaay back in, say, A.D. 95 when the Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation.

Remember, John was instructed to write down the things "that he saw" (Rev. 1:2) and most of what he saw was nearly 2000 years in the future.

Talk about mind-blowing future-shock! How would a 1st-century prophet describe things like:
  • advanced attack helicopters
  • armored vehicles
  • biological and chemical weapons
  • fighter jets
  • nuclear warfare?
Imagine the difficulty a primitive, non-technical man from the 1st century would have trying to make sense of modern advances and warfare--never mind trying to put it all into writing.

We take today's technological advances for granted, but back in John's day they must have seemed like witchcraft.

In Revelation 13, John describes a statue that comes to life and is able to speak. And while some believe John is using symbolic language, we believe he's probably describing a technology. For instance, wouldn't holography fit the description?

And check this out..."Holoportation" is a new type of 3-D capture technology that allows high-quality 3-D models of people to be reconstructed, compressed and transmitted anywhere in the world in real time. When combined with mixed reality, they are actually present in the same physical space. Communicating and interacting with remote users becomes as natural as face-to-face communication. 

Still feels a little like mind-blowing future-shock even to us.

A wise man once said: "John was catapulted by God from one time period to another so that his extensive "visions" would have the authority of an eyewitness. The prophet then unknowingly encoded a warning for the generation in which these things would happen with conviction, accuracy and authority." -- Hal Lindsey, author
"He was permitted to give life to this statue so that it could speak. Then the statue commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die" -- REVELATION 13:15.
"Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near" -- REVELATION 1:3. 


  • The Independent: Elon Musk plans to implant millions with Neuralink brain chip in coming years
  • BRG: Scientists able to translate thoughts into speech; tech expected to revolutionize speech therapy
  • Bloomberg: Hamburg Germany launching mobility service with self-driving vans; plans 80% autonomous vehicles by 2030

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

"What's More Prophetically Significant Than a Volatile Stock Market?"

A summer that seemed destined to be remembered for its endless dog days, seems to have lurched suddenly towards the eve of destruction. 

Glen Beck predicts "We're headed for a massive global collaspe," and cites China's hoarding of gold as proof.

"If only we knew what the rich people all seem to know, we could get ready," he laments.

According to CNN, "Fear has set in on Wall Street." Market volatility, and global recession may be in our future.

Meanwhile, Bank of America's top global strategist is warning investors to 'Sell the first rate-cut; stocks could be in for trouble as the economy heads toward a hard landing and the Fed gets set to slash rates.'

Yikes--sounds apocalyptic--but wait...there's more...

What these prognosticators failed to mention is actually much more prophetically significant than a tumbling stock market.

While the world waits to see how Iran will retalliate against Israel for taking out one of their top operatives, Russia has been busy too.

Last week Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the United States that if Washington deployed missiles in Germany then Russia would station similar missiles in striking distance of the U.S.

Significant because the Bible predicts an alliance between Russia, Turkey and Iran will form in the last days. This alliance will result in an attack against Israel called the War of Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38).

Keep in mind that until the 1990's, Russia and Iran had been fierce enemies for 2,500 years, and Bible scoffers used this prophecy to discredit Scripture insisting it could never happen. Today, Russia and Iran are in a tight military alliance.

Russia and Turkey haven't exactly been BFF's either over the years, and in 2015 tensions between the two nations soared when Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet and assassinated the Russian ambassador to Turkey. War between the two was narrowly averted.

But here we are in 2024 and just as the Bible predicted, Russia, Iran and Turkey are one big happy family with a common foe--Israel.

Fast forward to Russia threatening the U.S. 

What prophetic significance could that possibly have?

The U.S. is Israel's greatest ally and yet, according to the Bible,we are nowhere to be found when she is attacked by Iran,Turkey & Russia. Why?

A wise man once said: "I just can't believe that in the end when it really gets intense, as it is now, that it's Christians, it's people that actually believe the Bible that are the only ones with wisdom who understand what's really going on. They're not shocked at all and they're not panicked either. They get it."--Tucker Carlson
Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish" -- (ISAIAH 46:10)


  • U.S. News & World Report: U.S. officials say Iranian attack on Israel may be imminent
  • FOX NEWS: Biden heading to Situation Room ahead of Iran's anticipated arrack against Israel
  • Reuters: Iranian president calls for expanded ties with Russia

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Has The World Always Been This Crazy Or Is The Bible Coming True?

While most of us are still reeling from recent political events, long time prophecy teacher, Hal Lindsey, has a way of putting things back into perspective. After all, Jesus told us there would be days like this. 

Days like what? Political upheaval and assassination attempts? People at each other's throats over Presidential candidates?  Growing hostilities between nations or war in the Middle East? Threats of cyber, nuclear or biological warfare?

According to Lindsey, most people make no connection between current events &  Bible prophecy. Why? Because the world has always had its problems.

Lindsey contends:

"Critics of end-time Bible prophecy often say exactly what the Bible said they will say."

For instance, in 2 Peter 3:3-4, it says, 

"First, I want to remind you that in the last days there will be scoffers who will laugh at the truth and do every evil thing they desire. This will be their argument, 'Jesus promised to come back, did He? Then where is He? Why, as far back as anyone can remember, everything has remained exactly the same since the world was first created."

Even now, when major end-time prophecies can be easily proven (Example? The Bible predicted the nation of Israel would be scattered throughout the world and cease to exist for many years and then be re-gathered again in the end-times. In 70 A.D. they were scattered. Israel's name was changed to Palestine as an insult to Jews. In 1948, Israel was re-established and became a nation again after almost 2,000 years of nonesistence). According to Lindsey the scoffers are still at it:

"Wars and rumors of war? Nothing new there, they say. Famines? They were worse in the past. Plagues and pandemics? We had a bad one for a couple of years, but the world has had worse. Lawlessness? Humanity has always had its crooks and creeps. Deception? People started lying right after they started talking. So, what's new? What's different?"

What's new and different is the fact that all the signs are here everywhere all at once. The entire world is facing the same existential threats. 

And of course, the biggest of all signs: Israel is back in the land, a sign God said would take place in the last days. 

According to Lindsey:

"Before each of the first two world wars, everyone saw the terrible possibilities. But almost no one really thought it would happen. They thought cooler heads would prevail. But cool heads did not prevail. Pride prevailed. Greed prevailed. Hate prevailed.

"It's happening again, but this time with the added threat of nuclear weapons. As before, no one believes it will really happen. But the signs are there. War threatens every part of the earth..."

And exactly as the Bible predicted, geopolitical alliances are forming before our very eyes along with:

  • global deception
  • world-wide lawlessness, crime, ethnic hate
  • global epidemics
  • coming famines 
  • earthquakes in various places
How much longer can the scoffers scoff ?

A wise man once said: "What's unique about today is that the hundreds of biblical end-times signs are converging and intensifying...accompanied by a rise of technology perfectly fitted to Antichrist and the mark of the beast. The signs are all coming together right now. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Take care of your business, but do not let the cares of this world distract you from Him. Look up. Maranatha! Jesus is coming soon!" -- Hal Lindsey, author

"See I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, to repay all according to their deeds. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End" (REVELATION 22:12-13).



  • Reuters: Protesters burn American flags, hoist Palestinian flags in Washington during Netanyahu speech 
  • Business Insider: Nearly 100 countries are exploring the use of Central Bank digital currency including the United States
  • The Irish Times: Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev: "Any weapons in Moscow's arsenal, including strategic nuclear weapons, can be used to defend occupied territories."




Thursday, July 11, 2024

"Expert Predicts Sleeper Cell Nightmare"

According to global security expert, Ben Varlese, "At least 8 million illegal aliens from over 100 countries have crossed the southern (U.S.) border in the last three-and-a half years."

And guess what, gang--"Almost none have been properly vetted," Varlese added.

The problem? Many thousands are from:

  • Afghanistan
  • Venezuela
  • Syria
  • China
All "hostile or terror haven countries" and most "are military-age males."

Varlese, an expert in threat mitigation and anti-terrorism went on to disclose:
"Because there are tens of thousands of Chinese nationals, hundreds on the terror watch list, and millions of unvetted individuals scattered across the country, it is not a question of if something bad will happen, but when. The threat of sabotage--physical or digital--from Chinese interests is exponentially compounded because of the illegal immigration crisis."

Oh, and the plan to accept Palestinian "refugees" into the U.S.?

Varlese believes that's just asking for trouble:

"Similarly, individuals from Iran and Venezuela, as well as other bad actors connected to the Taliban, Al-Qaida, and Da'esh (Islamic State/ISIS) have infiltrated the U.S. and could cause no end of havoc domestically."

Varlese's expert opinion? It's only a matter of time before the U.S. is hit with another terror 'disaster'.

A wise man once said: "Your children, my grandchildren, will be hunting jihadists a hundred years from now unless we take down their ideology of global jihadism."-- Sebastian Gorka

"Live as people who are free, Not using your freedom as a cover up for evil, but living as servants of God" (1PETER 2:16).



  • WND: Sleeper cells are in almost every American city and urban area, according to Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa
  • Natural News: Report exposes FBI program to stage neo-Nazi rallies in U.S. to develop a database of real Nazis
  • Scripps News: World leaders questioning whether Biden fit to serve four more years