Saturday, March 22, 2025

"Unveiling the End: Analyzing Prophecy in a Chaotic World"

While the legacy media is busy spreading more misinformation (this time falsely claiming that Elon Musk will be briefed at the Pentagon regarding "war with China"), Israel and the Middle East is exploding once again--a legit news story that gets very little press. Why? Because the only thing that matters to the MSM lately is destroying Elon Musk.

The sad fact of the matter is you must take almost everything you hear these days with a grain of salt. President Trump calls it Fake News, the Bible calls it end-time deception and we are fully engulfed in it right now.

The word of God, on the other hand, has always been a source of  truth.

How do we know this? Bible prophecy.

This becomes clear once we understand that God uses Bible prophecy not so much to satisfy our curiosity about the future, as to authenticate His word. Logic tells us if God's prophecies are true, so is His plan of salvation.

And we know God's prophecies are true. 


80% of all Bible prophecy has already been fulfilled exactly as predicted. The remaining 20% deal exclusively with future events. If past prophecies proved true, we have no reason to doubt future prophecies will also prove true. With Israel, as always, at the epicenter--though not every prophecy is as explosive as say, Armageddon. Some are a little more subtle (though no less fascinating). 

For instance:

The seven holidays that make up the ancient festival cycle known as God's feasts days. The word used for "feasts" literally translates as "dress rehearsals" or "appointments". So what is being said is each feast day is literally an appointment  with God, or a dress rehearsal of  coming events. In other words, these 7 feast days are an amazing look into God's plan for humankind. Like an outline of history, each feast day is a pattern that shadows a major prophetic event.

Observant Jews celebrate the cycle as a reminder of God's provision, while Christians recognize the profound relationship between these Hebrew Holy Days and their prophetic fulfillment. Far more than mere Jewish tradition, these feast days offer a bird's-eye view into the very game-plan of God.

Christians believe Jesus' birth, death, resurrection & the sending of the Holy Spirit was the fulfillment of the first four feasts, while the remaining 3 will be fulfilled in the last days. In other words, God has already sent His Son to complete the first phase of a two-part plan.

There are only three feast days remaining to be fulfilled.

With Passover just around the corner,  we encourage you to explore the staggering prophetic significance of these holidays and hopefully gain an understanding of just how in-control God really is. As we shall see, each Holiday of God paints a perfect picture of the work of a Messiah who is the source of all creation and the hope of the nations.

The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: 'The feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts'" (LEVITICUS 23:1-2).  

A wise man once said: "The most exciting revelation I ever had concerning end-time understanding was when my eyes were opened to how the Feasts of the Lord were directly tied to the Book of Revelation and the unfolding of end-time events," --Mark Biltz, author


  • FNC: Vandalized Tesla reports spread nation-wide as anti-Musk attacks increase
  • CNN: Israel warns Hamas of repercussions unless hostages are freed amid renewed fighting after ceasefire collapsed
  • WorldNews: Tesla removed from Vancouver International Auto Show due to safty concerns

Saturday, March 8, 2025

"What Shapes You? Decoding Your Worldview"

Have you ever stopped to consider what your "worldview" is?

According to the American Culture and Faith Institute, "A worldview is simply the intellectual, and emotional filter through which we experience, interpret, and respond to the world."

In other words, it's how we perceive reality, meaning and our place in the world.

And guess what? It begins developing early (before 2-years old) and is almost fully formed by the time we hit our teens.

That worldview helps us to identify:
  • who we want to be
  • how we want to live
  • what we consider right and wrong
  • what is the ultimate source of truth
  • what's the point of being alive
It's also our moral compass. And if our behavior conflicts with our worldview--we feel uncomfortable, or bad about ourselves. This is true regardless of one's religious beliefs, but becomes much more nuanced for the Bible-believing Christian attempting to follow a biblical worldview.

A biblical worldview is defined as "seeing life through a biblical lens, using scriptural principals and perspectives as the basis for our decision making and behavior."

The goal? "To become an Integrated Disciple--someone who has blended their beliefs and behavior into a life that is reflective of the life of Jesus Christ."

As the old saying goes...7 days without reading the Bible makes one weak.

A wise man once said: "The primary Christian way to change your life is to change your identity through the grace of Jesus Christ. At the core of Christian doctrine is the idea that who you are will determine what you will do." -- Mark Ballenger,
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."      (2 CORINTHIANS 5:17)
👉👉👉How To Go To Heaven

  • The Times of Israel: US holding direct talks with Hamas over how to move hostage situation foreward
  • BBC News: 25 killed in Ukraine after Russia stepped up attacks 
  • FNC: Arab-backed Gaza plan garners European support, pushback from US, Israel