Thursday, February 20, 2025

"Does The Bible Really Predict The Future? Why Not Ask Grok?"

According to Grok, (Elon's xAi chatbot with attitude) the question of whether the Bible predicts the future is a complex one. And believe it or not, Grok gives a surprisingly open-minded, detailed and fair summary of a variety of opinions. Good on him.

The truth? The Bible is a library of 66 books written by 40 authors over a period of 2500 years. "It's an integrated message system from outside our time domain", according to biblical scholars. 

Outside our time domain? Yes, because it gives an outline of human history from beginning to end. Which makes the Bible supernatural because it does indeed predict the future, considering that 80% of its prophecies have already been fulfilled with 100% accuracy. The 20% that remain deal almost exclusively with what's coming or the end times.

Furthermore, the Old Testament contains 16 books devoted entirely to prophecy, while all 39 OT books are "woven" with prophecy.

And can anyone doubt Bible prophecy plays a leading role in the New Testament? For instance: "Out of the 216 chapters in the New Testament, there are 318 references to the Second Coming of Christ," according to prophecy teacher Dr. David Jeremiah of Turning Point Ministries.

"If we were to omit all the prophetic passages, we would have to remove one out of every thirty verses in the New Testament," he said.

And that's not all. Dr. Jeremiah points out we would also have to skip 23 of the 27 New Testament books that mention prophecy. In fact, for every prediction about the birth of Christ, there are eight about His Second Coming.

And yet, many churches still neglect to teach on the subject. Why?

Dr. Jeremiah believes some avoid prophecy because it seems difficult to understand. Others feel too overwhelmed by the present to think about the future. And some (believe it or not) don't see its relevance.

"Jesus often spoke about the future and rebuked people who didn't recognize the significance of the events around them," contends Jeremiah and goes on to insist, "Jesus expects us to investigate what the Bible says about the future and seek His guidance as we attempt to understand the day and hour in which we live."

Given prophecy's prominence in Scripture, there can be little doubt Dr. David Jeremiah is absolutely right.

A wise man once said: "While many Christians are content to leave prophecy's pages shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding, it is the only reliable information about our tomorrows. God knows the end from the beginning and foretells the future with absolute accuracy. The Book of Revelation, along with other end-time prophecies, gives us a snapshot of the events that will precede the end of the world as we know it. The very word revelation means 'the unfolding of that which was previously hidden or unknown.'" -- Dr. David Jeremiah

"I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient time, what is still to come. I say "My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please"" (ISAIAH 46:10).



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Friday, February 7, 2025

"The Bible Predicts End Time Shock & Awe"

It seems President Trump is making "Shock & Awe" a daily habit. And the Middle East is not taking it laying down. 

Apparently, Jordan is ready to go to war against Israel to prevent Trump's plan to  empty Gaza and bring Palestinian immigration to its territory. Eygpt is none too happy about the plan either. Looks like nobody wants the Palestinians living anywhere near them--so time will tell how Trump's Gaza plan will work out in the end.

We do know this: The Bible predicts Israel will be the focus of world attention in the last days (Zechariah 12:3). And that there will be plenty of shock & awe to go around. But first Israel will live in peace for a while before all hell breaks out (Ez 38 &39). The word for "peace" means pseudo peace or false peace. In other words Israel will think they're at peace--but somebody (namely Iran, Russia and a host of others) will prove otherwise.

Meanwhile, students of Bible prophecy agree that the Jews back in the land of Israel (predicted in at least 10 different books of the Bible, and pinpointed to occur in the last days in Hosea 3:4-5) is the most significant fulfilled prophecy in modern times. And though Israel has been attacked repeatedly since their return, the Bible makes it clear they will never again be uprooted from the Land. (Amos 9:15), even though the final World War will be fought over Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:1-4).

The Bible also predicts that while Israel will suffer many persecutions, God will never forsake them entirely, and will in fact restore them as His own special people (1Peter 2:9) in the last days. Consider:

In 1967, Egypt started the 6-Day War and Israel shocked the world with its military superiority. Though grossly outnumbered, the Jews managed to conquer the Sinai, the city of Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Golan Heights.

Since that time, in a quest for peace, Israel has forged formal treaties with Egypt, Jordan, and was only days away from peace with Saudi Arabia, when Hamas surprised Israel with a horrific, unprovoked attack on Oct.7, killing over 1,200 innocent people and taking hundreds hostage, many of whom are still in captivity today.

And yet the world condems Israel as the aggressor and conveniently forgets Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Lebanon, leaving behind over 8,000 homes, businesses, vineyards and orchards to the Palestinians (which the Palestinians chose to destroy). Contrary to common belief, there is no longer an Israeli occupation.

In 2006, the Palestinian people voted Hamas into power. Hamas, a known terrorist group, won the Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, control freely given to them by the Palestinian people. 

For decades Hamas has pursued a consistently violent strategy aimed at bringing death and destruction to Israel. But its stunning attack on October 7 marks its deadliest incursion yet.
This put Israel in a very precarious position: Of course they had to defend themselves. And of course the world condems them for doing so. 

The Hamas massacre of Israelis was a function of pure hate. But why? What is the real reason for yet another war? The Bible makes it clear that the underlying issue is spiritual, not political. Israel is God's chosen witness to the world. The Messiah was born in Israel and will return to Israel. Satan hates the Jews and will use whatever satanic powers he can to destroy them.

And unfortunatly, the world will cooperate with Satan. The Bible predicts the entire world will eventually turn against Israel, driven by hatred of God.

Even now the lines are being drawn: we are either for God or against Him. Our advise? Choose God.
"Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel:

"I will bring them back to this land...Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the LORD; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart" (JEREMIAH 24:7)
"I will bless those who bless you,  And I will curse him who curses you" (GENESIS 12:3).
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee" (PSALM 122:6).
A wiseman once said: "Before shedding tears for the people of Gaza, remember that they created Hamas, elected it, supported it, supplied it, filled its ranks and celebrated all of its atrocities!."-- Amir Tsarfati, Behold Israel


  • Behold Israel:120 years ago, the ancestors of today's Gazans were Turks, Egyptions, & Syrians
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