Monday, March 25, 2024

"2 Solemn & Related Warnings: But The World Is Asleep"

Christian author and founder of  The Berean Call , Dave Hunt, died back in 2013. He left behind a legacy of expert scholarship, impeccable research, and a wide variety of in-depth studies we can all benefit from. He also left us with a couple of warnings:

  • "There are two solemn and related warnings which Christ gave concerning His coming again. First of all, He repeatedly and earnestly declared that He was coming very soon and should be expected at any moment. That He hasn't come in more than 1900 years, far from discrediting that promise, makes it all the more urgent that we heed it in our day. By heaven's reckoning, Christ has been gone a very short time; and His coming is nearer now than it ever was."
  • "Secondly, He warned us about preoccupation with the things of this life. Christ knew the attraction which the pleasures and ambitions of this world, wicked though we realize it to be, can have for each of us. So He warned us that unless we kept the thoughts of His return fresh in our hearts at all times, we would be caught by surprise at His coming."
Dave Hunt was adamant about the fact that there are no signs for the Rapture of the church. Not even one. There is absolutely nothing that must proceed it. Jesus said that He would come like a thief: "At such an hour as you think not" (LUKE 12:40). Some translations say He's coming when you least expect Him. There are at least twenty warnings in the Bible telling us to watch, be ready, and stay awake.

Why? Because complacency is human nature. Remember the parable of the 10 bridesmaids in Matthew 25? "When the bridegroom was delayed, they all lay down and slept" (emphasis added).

The world is asleep right now and sadly, so is the church. And yet:
  • Israel is back in the land (Ezekiel 37:21)
  • surrounded by enemies, and at the epicenter of world events (Psalm 83)
  • Iran and Russia have a military alliance for the first time in history (Ezekiel 38:5)
  • technology has advanced to the degree that everything predicted in the Scripture is possible for the first time in history (Revelation 13)
  • the financial world is sagging under its debt load (Revelation 6:5-6; James 5:1-3)
  • sin is rampant; hatred, everywhere, especially for the Jew (Matthew 24:9)
  • everything has gone super sized (i.e. deception, lawlessness, division, etc.) (Luke21:16).
People--these are signs for the Tribulation and the Second Coming, not the Rapture, two distinct events.

No one knows the day or the hour of the Rapture, but once it comes (when we least expect it) the Second Coming can be calculated to the very day. Everything hinges upon the Rapture because it is the kickoff of the last days as detailed in the Book of Daniel (Daniel 9:20-27).

Jesus said, "Watch out! Don't let me find you living in careless ease and drunkenness, and filled with the worries of this life. Don't let that day catch you unaware, as in a trap. For that day will come upon everyone living on the earth. Keep a constant watch. And pray that, if possible, you may escape these horrors and stand before the Son of Man" (LUKE 21:34-36).

Why did Jesus warn us to keep a constant watch? Because the signs of the Tribulation will all be there in the distance for anyone who is aware and watching to see. For those who are not watching it will be "business as usual right up until the hour when the Son of Man returns" (LUKE 17:30).

"So keep a sharp lookout! Don't let Him find you sleeping when He arrives without warning. What I say to you I say to everyone: Watch for His return!" (MARK 13:35-37).

A wise man once said: "How close are we? Christ could come at any moment--before I finish writing this page, or before you finish reading it. Does that thought bring joy or regret--perhaps even fear? The honest answer to that vital question reveals one's spiritual condition and the measure of one's love for Him." -- Dave Hunt (1926-2013)

How to go to Heaven: ☝click here )👈👈

  • AlJazeera: UN Security Council demands immediate Gaza ceasefire as US abstains
  • Gallup Poll: Church attendance has declined again in most US religious groups; nondenominational Christian attending services regularly at 44%
  • METRO: Horror movie based on Satan made $666,666 at box office on opening

Thursday, March 14, 2024

"April 8th Solar Eclipse: What Does It Mean?"

You may have heard the phrase, "A little learning is a dangerous thing." And when it comes to Bible prophecy, it's especially true. Why? Because God takes His Word very seriously and the last thing you want to do is add or subtract from it, as both carry a dire consquence.

On April 8,2024, a total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada, traveling from the Southwest to the Northeast. In 2017, (7 years ago) another total solar eclipse crossed the US, moving from the Northwest to the Southeast. When you take the paths of these two eclipses and cross them together, they form a giant X over the nation.

So what, you ask? what.

While two major eclipse events 7 years apart forming a giant X may seem cool and all, it probably shouldn't be the cause of so much fear and wild conjecture.  .

Sooooo, we'd like to take this opportunity to stop the madness, because let's face it, speculation about end times events is running rampant.

Some of it is true and some of it is just crazy talk.

But is there any way to know the difference?

Yes, as long as one sticks to Scripture and avoids guesswork. It is quite possible to understand the framework of the end-time scenario. It actually makes a lot of sense. For instance:

The Bible tells us all of history revolves around His chosen people--the Jew. Watch what happens in Israel and you'll have a pretty good idea of where we are on God's prophetic timeline.

In fact 1948 (the year Israel was reborn as a nation) marked the beginning of the final generation. What we don't know is exactly how long a generation actually is. Most contend it's 70 or 80 years, but no one knows for sure. Even so, the stage is being set for what the Bible calls the 'final hour'. Developments of great significance are coming together so fast it's hard to keep up with them all. But that doesn't mean it's all coming down tomorrow (although it could). Every generation of Christians has hoped to be the last generation, but until Israel actually existed again, we weren't sure if this prophecy was to be taken  literally or spiritually. Now we know. 

The Bible teaches that Christ's return is imminent. That means there is no prophetic event that remains to be fulfilled before He can return.

So how close are we?  If there is one thing we all learned from various wrong speculations, it's this: No man knows the day or the hour. And trying to theorize beyond what Scripture actually predicts is a fool's errand. But what we can (and should) do is watch, wait and be ready.

The Bible warns : "...that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. But you are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and of the day. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night. But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation. For God did not appoint to us wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you are doing".           
(1 THESSALONIANS 5: 2b-11)

The above scripture describes the contrast between the mindset of believers and unbelievers. The world (or unbeliever) is asleep to what God is doing; so busy with the cares of life, that even all the weirdness of the last few years and what's happening in Israel and the threat of a widening war has failed to alarm them enough to seek God.

In other words, the indifference of the people will cause them to turn a deaf ear and give no thought at all to their eternal destiny. They will be caught completely unready and unsaved, left behind to face the coming judgment of God's wrath upon all who remain after the Rapture of the Church.

In contrast, Christians should be awake and aware, prepared at every moment to present the quality of her (or his) life before the judgment seat of Christ, knowing that our departure (either by rapture or rupture) could happen at any moment.

 (And while speculating about strange omens or giant Xs may be fun, you won't find them in the Bible...just sayin'.)

A wiseman once said: "We're in the final countdown...but first this old planet will be shaken up. All the sin and corruption will be wiped out. It will be a very tough time for those who reject Jesus Christ. Already God is warning mankind to change. The impending signs of judgment are all around us. God declared these things in the Book of Revelation so that you might be warned. It's time to wake up."
--Chuck Smith


  • BBC: Top Democrate Chuck Schumer calls for new Israel election;accusing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of turning Israel into global "pariah"
  • Behold Israel: Biden gives $10 billion sanctions waiver to Iranian terror regime
  • The Telegraph: Iran using European ports to ship weapons to terror group Hezbollah

Thursday, March 7, 2024

"We're About To Wreak Havoc On Ourselves. Why?"

What do heart attacks, car crashes, obesity, and depression have in common?

If you guessed 'daylight savings time', you'd be correct!

According to Dr. Phyllis Zee, a sleep researcher at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago:
"Time changes mess with sleep schedules, a potential problem when so many people are already sleep deprived.
"Research suggests that chronic sleep deprivation can increase levels of stress hormones that boost heart rate and blood pressure, and of chemicals that trigger inflammation." 
Circadian biologists believe our biological clock is set by exposure to sunlight and darkness which regulates metabolism, blood pressure and hormones. Even a small disruption of only an hour a day has big consequences, claims Till Roenneberg, a circadian rhythm specialist at Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich, Germany.

And yet, for the last 100 years, in spite of the havoc it wreaks on our body, we continue to tinker with light. Why? To save a measly 3.5% in electricity.

Imagine if instead of messing with physical light and the sun, we, as a nation, turned back to the real Light and the Son?

'Got Questions Ministries' has some mind-blowing facts when it come to light (wait 4 it!):
"The Bible refers to God as light many times as in 1 John  1:5: 'This is the message we have heard from Him and proclaim to you, that God is light...' and John 12:36: 'While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light...' or Job 24:13:'There are those who rebel against the light...' and John 1:7: 'He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light...' or Matthew 17:2:'And He was transfigured before them and His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white as light.'
"Many of these references to light appear to have another dimension to them, more than simply metaphorical or spiritual; they appear to indicate actual physical attributes of light to God as well.

"We live in a scientific and technological age, it is important for apologists to understand that while the Bible is not a science text book, when it does make references that can be verified by science, archeology and secular historical text, it is always correct.

" Second Peter 3:8 says, "Dear friends, don't forget that for the Lord one day is the same as 1,000 years, and one thousands years is the same as one day."

"So, let's test what we know from science about light and plug it into a formula:
  • 1,000 years = 1 day / square root of (1-v2/c2)
  • V solves to: 299,792,457 meters/sec or the speed of light
So, in other words, in one day (24 hours), light travels 1,000 years 

" Second Peter 3:8 and Einstein's formula for Special Theory of Relativity is one proof (among many others) that the Bible is divinely inspired and that God's time is the universal standard of time set by the velocity of light.

"Einstein's scientific work eventually returned him to believe in God."
Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world, he that follows Me shall not walk in darkness..." -- JOHN 8:12
A wise man once said: "He (Jesus) lights the path ahead of us, so we can see how to live. He removes the darkness of sin." -- Stanley S. Drane, Got Questions Ministries


  • The Washington Post: Lights out? Creaking power grid struggling to keep up with "explosive demand"
  • New York Post: Sweden joins NATO as fears of Russian aggression mount
  • World News Daily: Admininstration 'secretly flying' hundreds of thousands illegals into 43 cities; Elon Musk: "The groundwork os being laid for something worse than 9/11."