Don't worry, be happy.
That's right gang--being an optimist could lead to a longer, healthier life according to new research.
"Happiness is good for the body as well as the mind," asserts study author Hayami Koga, Ph.D., a candidate at the Harvard T.H. Chah School of Public Health. In fact, Koga believes "staying positive is as good for you as exercise and can add many years to your life."
But these are turbulent times. Every day the world grows darker and more dangerous. For those of us who study Bible prophecy, it has become clear that the "birth pains" as described in the Bible have begun. And as every mother knows, once the pains begin they only get worse until it's over.
How can we be happy and optimistic in times like these?
Well, according to the World Health Organization, most people can't. Depression and anxiety disorders are going through the roof. Globally, more than 300 million (and climbing) people of all ages suffer from depression and many millions more have anxiety disorder.
Unfortunately, global trends are anything but optimistic...and yet God expects us to be happy. Is it possible given today's circumstances?
Andre Van Belkum of Life, Hope & Truth Ministries thinks so:
"The Creator of our bodies and minds has given us a handbook as an assured, dependable and unfailing source of knowledge. It outlines basic principles and instructions for daily living.
"If applied, these guidelines will lead us into a life guaranteed to produce lasting happiness and contentment. Rejection of these principles will undoubtably produce heartache and unending sorrow. These biblical guidelines are not magical formulas, but practical rules of daily conduct that govern the way to happiness.
"The Bible contains the reason you were created. It contains God's plan for you and what He expects from you. It explains where the world is heading and why-and how God is going to rescue it. It contains the blueprint for living a successful, meaningful life in the present, and inheriting eternity in the future."
And yet, the vast majority of people refuse to read it.
A wise man once said: "The words of God are as timeless and powerful today as the the day they were first recorded." - Life, Hope & Truth Ministries
"Happy are they who are without sin in their ways, walking in the law of the Lord. Happy are they who keep His unchanging word, searching after Him with all their heart" (PSALM 119:1-2).
click here 👉"HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN!"☝
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