Rumors are not the only things flying over Washington D.C. these days. According to ex-U.S. Intelligence Officer, David Grusch, UAPs (also known as 'UFOs') are too.
Testifying under oath before a House Oversight Committee, Grusch, who served with the now defunct Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), insisted our government is involved with a massive cover-up.
That's right, people, David Grusch, once decorated and highly respected, has turned UFO whistleblower against the United States government.
On Wednesday, Grusch provided the most detailed public testimony ever given to Congress about 'non-human intelligence' visiting planet Earth.
And that ain't all folks. According to Grusch's testimony (under oath, mind you) our government has in their possession:
- non-human alien bodies
- non-human alien craft
- and a (non-human?) plan to silence any and all whistleblowers...
"Investigations into the Pentagon's knowledge of UAP has become a bipartisan effort in Congress, with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle calling on the U.S. government to provide more transparency about the topic. All three witnesses said Wednesday that unexplainable aircraft pose a potential national security threat, and Graves emphasized the need for safer channels for witnesses in both the public and private sectors to report UAP encounters."
Sounds all fine and dandy, doesn't it?
Except when you realize Grusch is alleging that there has been a decades long cover up and disinformation campaign orchestrated by the Pentagon and the U.S. government.
Let's face it, gang, the words 'government' and 'transparency' are diametrically opposed.
Click here to see excerpt of UFO Congressional Hearing--YouTube
A wise man once said: "The last days of planet Earth will be characterized by supernatural signs and wonders performed by Satan and his minions. In fact, most of the miracles performed by God will be counterfeited by Satan and the forces of darkness. The healing and resurrection of the "Antichrist" are but a few of the miracles Satan will perform...When the Church is raptured the Antichrist will most likely explain it away as an alien evacuation. To those left behind this explanation will seem very plausible.
"The bottom line is that the sudden apostasy of millions of believers, a strong desire for unified global leadership, and "men's hearts failing them from fear" (LUKE 21) could all be "accomplished" by the occurrence of open ET contact before the Church is taken out." --Mark Eastman, author
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (EPHESIANS 6:12).
- The Hill: People murdered to 'Protect' UFO secret program, whistleblower suspects
- News Nation: Aviation community taking UFO hearing 'seriously'; with both military and commercial pilots claiming they've seen UFOs
- 7 News Australia: The world watches as U.S. Congress looks into UFO/UAP phenomenon