"The official in charge of a secretive Pentagon effort to investigate unexplained aerial incursions has co-authored an academic paper that presents an out-of-this-world theory: Recent objects could actually be alien probes from a mothership sent to study Earth," reports Politico.
That's right gang--and it's all there in a Harvard draft report for everyone to see.
According to Politico:
"Sean Kirkpatrick, head of the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, and Harvard professor Avi Loeb teamed up to write that objects, which appear to defy all physics, could be 'probes' from an extraterrestrial 'parent craft'."
Kirkpatrick is a respected science and intelligence professional with more than two decades of experience studying physics. He has held top positions in the Department of Defense and the National Security Council. He's won several awards for his work.
And now he's telling us about alien motherships.
Don't be so surprised. For over 70 years now, the message from alleged extraterrestrial contactees has been the same: Earth isn't alone in the universe.
And according to New Age pundits, Native American shamans and UFOlogists, there is a massive evacuation of our planet coming.
That's right people, the aliens are coming for us--at least that's what they want us to believe.
And get this--author Thelma Terrell (aka Tvella) claims to have compiled in her book, Project World Evacuation, the channeled messages of an extraterrestrial named Ashtar. These so called 'messages' reveal a detailed extraterrestrial plan to evacuate millions of humans from planet Earth because they believe certain people are dangerous and pose an existential threat to everyone else.
And that ain't all, folks. Hundreds of alleged UFO contactees claim the same thing.
So why is the Pentagon suddenly so interested in alien motherships? Apparently, there's been a huge uptick in sightings & NASA thinks it's only a matter of time before there is open contact.
But we're not buying what they're selling. We believe the groundwork is being laid for the biggest deception ever orchestrated against mankind.
This global evacuation plan isn't "alien" at all. It's a spiritual deception from the pit of hell, designed as a cover-story for a real event.
We believe it is clearly a counterfeit explanation for the Rapture of the Church.
In a remarkably clever plan, Satan has managed to convince millions of people, enamored with the paranormal and disdainful of the Christian worldview, that aliens from other planets are real and they want to protect us from ourselves by removing all the trouble makers.
Not true. There are no aliens, only spiritual forces and minions of evil. And if a "mass evacuation" should occur in our lifetime, don't bother to search for the mothership. Search the Scriptures instead.
A wise man once said: "There won't be time to get ready later, you have to get your spiritual house in order now before you are taken, either by death, or the removal of God's ambassadors. Because once we are gone, those who are left behind will face hell on earth."--Word of God Ministry
"The Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect" (LUKE 12:10).
"It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to life forever. And we who are living will also be transformed" (1 CORINTHIANS 15:52).
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