Wednesday, April 26, 2023

"Does The Pentagon Believe In Alien Motherships?"

"The official in charge of a secretive Pentagon effort to investigate unexplained aerial incursions has co-authored an academic paper that presents an out-of-this-world theory: Recent objects could actually be alien probes from a mothership sent to study Earth," reports Politico.

That's right gang--and it's all there in a Harvard draft report for everyone to see.

According to Politico:

"Sean Kirkpatrick, head of the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, and Harvard professor Avi Loeb teamed up to write that objects, which appear to defy all physics, could be 'probes' from an extraterrestrial 'parent craft'."

Kirkpatrick is a respected science and intelligence professional with more than two decades of experience studying physics. He has held top positions in the Department of Defense and the National Security Council. He's won several awards for his work.

And now he's telling us about alien motherships.


Don't be so surprised. For over 70 years now, the message from alleged extraterrestrial contactees has been the same: Earth isn't alone in the universe.

And according to New Age pundits, Native American shamans and UFOlogists, there is a massive evacuation of our planet coming. 

That's right people, the aliens are coming for us--at least that's what they want us to believe.

 And get this--author Thelma Terrell (aka Tvella) claims to have compiled in her book,  Project World Evacuation, the channeled messages of an extraterrestrial named Ashtar. These so called 'messages' reveal a detailed extraterrestrial plan to evacuate millions of humans from planet Earth because they believe certain people are dangerous and pose an existential threat to everyone else.

And that ain't all, folks. Hundreds of alleged UFO contactees claim the same thing.

So why is the Pentagon suddenly so interested in alien motherships? Apparently, there's been a huge uptick in sightings & NASA thinks it's only a matter of time before there is open contact.

But we're not buying what they're selling. We believe the groundwork is being laid for the biggest deception ever orchestrated against mankind. 

This global evacuation plan isn't "alien" at all. It's a spiritual deception from the pit of hell, designed as a cover-story for a real event.

We believe it is clearly a counterfeit explanation for the Rapture of the Church.

In a remarkably clever plan, Satan has managed to convince millions of people, enamored with the paranormal and disdainful of the Christian worldview, that aliens from other planets are real and they want to protect us from ourselves by removing all the trouble makers.

Not true. There are no aliens, only spiritual forces and minions of evil. And if a "mass evacuation" should occur in our lifetime, don't bother to search for the mothership. Search the Scriptures instead.

A wise man once said: "There won't be time to get ready later, you have to get your spiritual house in order now before you are taken, either by death, or the removal of  God's ambassadors. Because once we are gone, those who are left behind will face hell on earth."--Word of God Ministry

"The Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect" (LUKE 12:10).

"It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to life forever. And we who are living will also be transformed" (1 CORINTHIANS 15:52). 



  • PNW: Study Shows Epic Surge In Bible Interest; 68% extremely curious
  • Ynet: Iran ramps up campaign to resupply Russian troops, report says.
  • Science: Earth at higher risk of large asteroid strike, satellite data suggests


Wednesday, April 19, 2023

"Is It Possible To Know The Exact Year Of The Second Coming Of Christ?"

"Every generation of Christians must face the dilemma of how to live in the tension between the possibility of Christ's imminent return and the impossibility of predicting the moment," declares a contributing editor for the Nelson Study Bible.

"Many Christians unfortunately settle the problem by living as if Christ will not return.

"Meanwhile, others dabble in various fruitless but persistent schemes to 'figure out' the time of Christ's return."

Which brings us to the Berisheet Prophecy...just another fruitless attempt to figure out the time of Christ's return or could this prophecy actually be on to something?

Discovered by C.J. Lovik, the Berisheet Prophecy has been hiding in plain sight for the last two thousand years. Lovik makes no claim that God has told him anything new nor does he refer to himself as a prophet.

The name Berisheet stems from Lovik's belief that God embedded the prophetic timeline in the very first Hebrew word of the Bible-berisheet-which means: In the beginning. According to Lovik, this information has been there all along just waiting for the time of the end to roll around when God would reveal it (as in when Daniel was told: 

"But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase" (DANIEL 12:4).

Lovik's mathmatical calculations in the Berisheet Prophecy are based on the fact that Hebrew is both a symbolic and numeric language. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet, in other words, is a pictogram with an assigned number.

Finding several Hebrew words embedded in the first word of Genesis and using the creation week as a model of God's timeline, Lovik maps out the entire history of the world. From Creation, to the Cross, to the tribulation & Second Coming of Christ, this prophecy has it all...with one very important caveat:

The timing hinges on knowing the exact date of the Crucifixion which most scholars place in the year 30A.D. Most, but not all. Some believe it may have been as late as 33A.D. which could skew the timing by a few years. Otherwise, the seven years of tribulation begins guessed it... 2023.

To view this intriguing prophecy for yourself, 

click here👉 Berisheet Prophecy (link)

A wise man once said: "To his credit, C.J. Lovik adheres to the historic essential doctrines of Christianity; his teachings support the deity of Jesus, the triune nature of God, the inerrancy of the Scriptures and salvation by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. With this said, should the Berisheet Prophecy be taken seriously? Has C.J. Lovik unraveled an eschatological mystery that has eluded Bible scholars for two thousand years? With 2023 upon us, the matter will be settled soon enough."   -- Got

"I am God, and there is none like Me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.'" (ISAIAH 46:9-11).



  • Science News: Earth formed much faster than previously thought, new study shows; by measuring isotopes, researchers show a 5 million year time span.
  • The Jerusalem Post: Iranian President Threatens To Destroy Tel Aviv At "The Slightest Mistake" By Israel
  • Politico: Alien Motherships? Pentagon Official Floats A Theory For Unexplained Sightings

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

"Sleep Deprived?"

What do heart attacks, car crashes, obesity, and depression have in common?

If you guessed 'daylight savings time', you'd be correct!

According to Dr.  Phyllis Zee, a sleep researcher at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago:
"Time changes mess with sleep schedules, a potential problem when so many people are already sleep deprived.
"Research suggests that chronic sleep deprivation can increase levels of stress hormones that boost heart rate and blood pressure, and of chemicals that trigger inflammation." 
Circadian biologists believe our biological clock is set by exposure to sunlight and darkness which regulates metabolism, blood pressure and hormones. Even a small disruption of only an hour a day has big consequences, claims Till Roenneberg, a circadian rhythm specialist at Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich, Germany.

And yet, for the last 100 years, in spite of the havoc it wreaks on our body, we continue to tinker with light. Why? To save a measly 3.5% in electricity.

Imagine if instead of messing with physical light and the sun, we, as a nation, turned back to the real Light and the Son?

'Got Questions Ministries'  has some mind-blowing facts when it come to light:
"The Bible refers to God as light many times as in 1 John  1:5- 'This is the message we have heard from Him and proclaim to you, that God is light...'  
and John 12:36- 'While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light...'  
or Job 24:13-'There are those who rebel against the light...' 
 and John 1:7- 'He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light...' 
 or Matthew 17:2-'And He was transfigured before them and His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white as light.'"

"Many of these references to light appear to have another dimension to them, more than simply metaphorical or spiritual; they appear to indicate actual physical attributes of light to God as well."

"We live in a scientific and technological age, it is important for apologists to understand that while the Bible is not a science text book, when it does make references that can be verified by science, archeology and secular historical text, it is always correct.

" Second Peter 3:8 says, 
 "Dear friends, don't forget that for the Lord one day is the same as 1,000 years, and one thousands years is the same as one day.""

"So, let's test what we know from science about light and plug it into a formula:
  • 1,000 years = 1 day / square root of (1-v2/c2)
  • V solves to: 299,792,457 mi/sec or the speed of light
So, in other words, in one day (24 hours), light travels 1,000 years 

" Second Peter 3:8 and Einstein's formula for Special Theory of Relativity is one proof (among many others) that the Bible is divinely inspired and that God's time is the universal standard of time set by the velocity of light.

"Einstein's scientific work eventually returned him to believe in God."
Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world, he that follows Me shall not walk in darkness..." -- (JOHN 8:12)
A wise man once said: "He (Jesus) lights the path ahead of us, so we can see how to live. He removes the darkness of sin." -- Stanley S. Drane, Got Questions Ministries


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  • A.P.: China Says Taiwan War Games 'A Serious Warning' As Global Tensions Mount

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

"Reversing Death"

Doctor Sam Parnia claims raising the dead, even after 24 hours have passed, could be commonplace someday soon.


Not according to his book, Erasing Death, where Dr. Parnia details his study of resuscitation science. The critical care physician writes, "With today's medicine, we can bring people back to life up to one, maybe two hours, sometimes even longer, after their heart stopped beating and they have thus died by circulatory failure. In the future, we will likely get better at reversing death."

For now, the average resuscitation rate for cardiac arrest patients in the US is roughly 18%. But at Stony Brook University School of Medicine (New York) where Sam Parnia is leading the research, that rate jumps to between 33 and 38%. And, according to Parnia, "Most, but not all of our patients, get discharged with no neurological damage whatsoever." We've come a loooong way least when it comes to resuscitation.

A specialized and complicated field much like cardiology, resuscitation science has made tremendous progress in the past decade. Parnia believes "it is possible that in 20 years, we may be able to restore people to life 12 hours or maybe even 24 hours after they have died."

Dr. Parnia's basic message? "The death we commonly perceive today is a death that can be reversed."

That may be so--but only temporarily. Let's face it gang, unless Christ returns in our lifetime--nobody gets out alive. We've got a survival rate of exactly ZERO. While that's a bummer for the unbeliever, it's not a problem for the Christian. We are only sojourners and pilgrims here. This earth is not our home. We are foreigners with a job to do, traveling to our eternal home, hoping to bring as many with us as are willing to come.

There is only One who has conquered death once and for all time. So yeah, resuscitation is a marvelous thing, but Resurrection is infinitely better. If you're looking for a permanent cure for death, click below:

👉click👉here👉 How to Go to Heaven

Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" (JOHN 11:25-26).

A wise man once said: "Christ is the Son of God who died for the redemption of sinners and resurrected after three days. This is the greatest truth in the universe. Because Jesus lives, we will live also." -- Watchman Nee

  • NPR: Life expectancy continues to decline in U.S. to 76 years
  • CNBC: The #1 state for a long life is Hawaii
  • Daily Mail: Life after death possible by 2050 using technology