Sunday, December 26, 2021

"NASA To Prepare The World For Alien Contact"

NASA has hired a priest and twenty-three other religious experts to prepare the world for alien contact.


Don't be so surprised. For over 70 years now, the message from alleged extraterrestrial contactees has been the same:

Earth isn't alone in the universe.

And according to New Age pundits, Native American shamans and UFOlogists, there is a massive evacuation of our planet coming. 

That's right people, the aliens are coming for us-at least that's what they want us to believe.

 And get this--author Thelma Terrell (aka Tvella) claims to have compiled in her book,  Project World Evacuation, the channeled messages of an extraterrestrial named Ashtar. These so called 'messages' reveal a detailed extraterrestrial plan to evacuate millions of humans from planet Earth because they believe certain people are dangerous and pose an existential threat to everyone else.

And that ain't all, folks. Hundreds of alleged UFO contactees claim the same thing.

So why is NASA on a hiring spree now? Apparently, there's been a huge uptick in sightings & NASA thinks it's only a matter of time before there is open contact.

But we're not buying what they're selling. We believe the groundwork is being laid for the biggest deception ever orchestrated against mankind. 

This global evacuation plan isn't "alien" at all. It's a spiritual deception from the pit of hell, designed as a cover-story for a real event.

We believe it is clearly a counterfeit explanation for the Rapture of the Church.

In a remarkably clever plan, Satan has managed to convince millions of people, enamored with the paranormal and disdainful of the Christian worldview, that aliens from other planets are real and they want to protect us from ourselves by removing all the trouble makers.

Not true. There are no aliens, only spiritual forces and minions of evil. But if NASA thinks it's time to get their ducks in a row, maybe we should too.

A wise man once said: "There won't be time to get ready later, you have to get your spiritual house in order now. --Word of God Ministry

"The Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect" (LUKE 12:10).

"It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to life forever. And we who are living will also be transformed" (1 CORINTHIANS 15:52). 



  • StudyFinds: Astronomers spot up to 170 giant rogue planets
  • dpa international: Australia records new daily record infections during 2nd COVID Christmas; unvaxxed blamed
  • Reuters: One-in-10 Londoners infected with COVID; unvaxxed blamed

Sunday, December 19, 2021

"Elon Musk: 'Death is Critical to Human Progress'"

"Billionaire Tesla CEO Elon Musk believes death is critical to human progress," according to an interview with The Wall Street Journal.

That's right folks. Elon says, "Death is important because people rarely change their minds--they just die. If you live forever, we might become a very ossified (turned into bone, yikes!) society where new ideas cannot succeed." begs to differ.

"It is a mistake to view eternal life as simply an unending progression of years. A common New Testament word for "eternal" is aionios, which carries the idea of quality as well as quantity. In fact, eternal life is not really associated with "years" at all, as it is independent of time.

"For this reason, eternal life can be thought of as something Christians experience now. Believers don't have to "wait" for eternal life, because it's not something that starts when they die. Rather, eternal life begins the moment a person exercises faith in Christ."

Contrary to what Elon Musk may believe, the Book of Acts says, "all who were appointed to eternal life became believers" (ACTS 13:48) and genuine believers are all about change:
  • first, we change our minds about who Jesus is
  • second, we change the direction our lives are on and
  • third, we turn from our sin and follow Him.
But that's only the beginning. To really change, we must recognize that the Bible is a supernatural book with the ability to transform the lives of those who study it and put its teachings into practice. puts it this way: "The Bible is literally "God breathed" (2 Timothy 3:16). In other words, it is God's very word to us, totally reliable and without error. The Bible is unique among so-called "holy" books in that it does not merely give moral teaching and say, "Trust me." Rather, we have the ability to test it by checking the hundreds of detailed prophecies that it makes by checking the historical accounts it records, and checking the scientific facts it relates. Those who say the Bible has errors have their ears closed to the truth."

A wise man once said: "How can you know that you have eternal life? First of all, confess your sin before our Holy God. Then accept God's provision of a Savior on your behalf. "Every one who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" (ROMANS 10:13). Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for your sins, and He rose again the third day. Believe this good news; trust the Lord Jesus as your Savior, and you will be saved (Acts 16:31). --
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (JOHN 1:1).

"The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth" (JOHN 1:14).



  • Business Insider: Elon Musk said Neuralink hopes to start implanting brain chips in humans in 2022.
  • Yahoo!Finance: Inflation near 40-year high
  • The Washington Free Beacon: China vows to open fire on U.S. troops that come to Taiwan aid




Monday, December 13, 2021

"Did the UN Model Freaky New Statue After Revelation Beast?"

What has a body like a leopard, feet like a bear, a mouth like a lion and wings like a dragon?

Every student of Bible prophecy in the world would say it sounds like something out of the book of  Revelation or even the beast of Daniel 7.

And while the freaky new statue installed right outside UN Headquarters in New York City is supposedly a "fusion of jaguar and eagle..." the resemblance is uncanny.

And get this--the demonic looking statue is called "The Guardian of International Peace and Security." Again, students of Bible prophecy will immediately jump to 1st Thessalonians 5:3 where the phrase "peace and security" comes in conjunction with sudden destruction.

Another coincidence? Maybe, but as Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse notes:

"Later on in Revelation , we learn that this "beast" that the Apostle John was shown represents the Antichrist which will rule the entire world during the days of the Great Tribulation."

Seriously, we can't make this stuff up.

"For when they say, "Peace and security" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief...Therefore, let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night. But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation" (1 THESSALONIANS 5:3-8).

A wise man once said: "If this statue was actually purposely modeled after the "beast" in Revelation, could it be possible the United Nations has just put out a huge "Welcome" mat for the Antichrist?" -- Michael Snyder



  • Daily Mail: World's very first Omicron death reported in UK
  • AP: Thousands without heat, water, electricity after tornadoes kill dozens in Kentucky; 75% of town gone
  • Business Insider: Dozens of federal lawmakers and at least 182 top staffers have violated a conflict of interest law while 75 held stocks in Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, or Pfizer

Sunday, December 5, 2021

"2022: Will It Be Better?"

Anyone remember the optimism we all felt right about this time last year? 2020 was almost over (hurray!) and couldn't be any worse, right?

Let's just say none of us is as naïve, as unsuspecting as we were back then. None of us is looking at 2022 the way we once looked at 2021.

So what do we do? Recognize that we're in it for the long haul.

"Throughout the New Testament, the Christian life is compared to a race," says Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship.

"With that in mind, we need to realize that it is not a short sprint, but a long-distance run."

Throughout all the twists and turns, ups and downs, good times and bad, Laurie contends the answer is the same: "A successful runner must keep his eyes on the prize."

In other words, remember what the race is all about.

"We must bear in mind," says Laurie, "for Whom and to Whom we are running: Jesus Christ. In essence, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus."

Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch Christian who survived the horror of Hitler's concentration camps during World War II, often said, "Look within and be depressed. Look without and be distressed. Look at Jesus and be at rest."

"God will see us through to the end," says Laurie. "He has given us His word."

"And I am sure that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again"-- (PHILIPPIANS 1:6).

"And now, dear children, continue in Him, so that when He appears we may be confident and unashamed before Him at His coming"--(JOHN 2:28).  

 A wise man once said: "It's good to remind ourselves of God's faithfulness and the hope we have in Him...The same God who has been faithful in the past will continue His love for us in the future." -- James Banks, Christian writer



  • The Washington Post: 'Flashmob' robberies roiling U.S. retailers, traumatizing workers; "smash-and-grabs" feature dozens of people swarming stores, breaking windows armed with crowbars, guns, knives and pepper spray.
  • Washington Examiner: U.S. Intel warns Russia planning massive offensive against Ukraine involving 175,000 troops.
  • ZeroHedge: World Health Organization: No "Evidence" Booster Jab Offers Greater Protection To The Healthy