It's official. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) admits there is something fishy about Bill Gates--at least in the minds of 63% of Americans.
In a document titled, "ID2020, Bill Gates and the Mark of the Beast: How COVID-19 Catalyses Existing Online Conspiracy Movements", the WHO acknowledges what many people are thinking...'Bill Gates is up to no good.'
According to the document (or should we say 'mock-u-ment'?):
"Against the backdrop of the global COVID-19 pandemic, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has become the subject of a diverse and rapidly expanding universe of conspiracy theories. As an example, a recent poll found 44% of Republicans and 19% of Democrats in the U.S. now believe that Gates is linked to a plot to use vaccinations as a pretext to implant microchips into people. And it's not just America. Thirteen percent of Australians believe that Bill Gates played a role in the creation and spread of the coronavirus, and among young Australians it's 20%. Protests around the world, from Germany to Melbourne have included anti-Gates chants and slogans."
In a recent report in THE GRAYZONE, "How digital passports pave the way for unprecedented surveillance capitalism," authors Jeremy Loffredo and Max Blumenthal detail a spate of deaths in rural India which came as a direct result of a program involving Bill Gates.
It all began in 2017 when 1.3 billion Indians were pushed to enroll in a biometric digital ID system called Aadhaar in order to access public services.
According to the report:
"With over one billion Indians in its database, Aadhaar is the largest biometric digital ID program ever constructed. Besides serving as a portal to government services, it tracks users' movements between cities, their employment status, and purchasing records. It is a de facto social credit system that serves as the key entry point for accessing services in India."
Bill Gates is determined to bring the "Aadhaar approach" to every person on the planet through the implementation of immunity passports and digital ID wallets, all rolled into one big fat vaccination (along with "updates" in the form of booster shots).
So do we think that the current vaccine is the Mark of the Beast? No we do not. After all, you cannot have a Mark of the Beast until there is a Beast. But we do believe that the infrastructure or conditioning for a future "beast" system is being laid.
As the military surveillance and NATO contractor Thales recently put it, vaccine passports "are a precursor to digital ID wallets."
Conspiracy theories not withstanding:
Injectable digital ID wallets may be a precursor to something Bill Gates never dreamed of.
A wise man once said: "With no COVID Pass, my wife and I are banished from society. We have no income. Banned from most shopping. Can barely exist." -- Gluboco Lietuva, a self-described "Lithuanian father" who has refused vaccination
"...and he provides that no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark... (REVELATION 13:7).
"See, I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, to repay all according to their deeds. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End (REVELATION 22:12-13).
- ABC News: FDA panel greenlights vaccines for kids, paving the way for authorization
- AP: Enforcement of indoor vaccine mandates proves uneven in U.S.; Proof of vaccination is required in several American cities for any and all indoor venues while some cities lag behind
- CNBC: Business groups ask White House to delay Biden COVID vaccine mandate until after the holidays; "mandates could exacerbate shortages and supply chain problems"